I'll be back next week--have had a really rough time!!!
Kids killing their parents--parents killing their kids---orange is not going to help!
I am just finding out whether you fight it or accept it growing old is not fun--hate to see what happens when I turn 23 in 2028!!!!!
I watched the lighting of the Rockefeller Tree last night and was mushy for the 2 hours--only time I miss NYC!
My heirs are lucky--all they are getting are my bills (and i don't means 'dollar' bills!)
Well we have bears, alligators, boas, lizards, etc! SO THERE!!!
On Monday I got a call from my primary and had to reschedule 2 appointments which also meant rescheduling transportation they messed up and were calling me yesterday and today telling me the driver was on the way.
Today was a crazy day! I slept from 1 AM to 7 PM!!! Then at 8 PM, going into the kitchen with my walker I fell getting a cup of tea and COULDN'T get up--luckily Cathy, my neighbor below me, and I had arranged a signal--she called me and I couldn't get to the phone so she knew something was wrong and came up--she gave me my phone and called 911--they came pretty quickly--I didn't 'break' anything but have a bruised hip, elbow/leg--all on the left side.
That's what I get for getting out of bed!! Have to call insurance tomorrow and see, maybe, about getting help at home though they wouldn't have been here at 8 PM I don't think! Have to see how that all works.
Ah, the life of an owner!!!!
But it is also parents killing kids!!!
You kids are never happy!
Kids killing kids--they are the lead stories on EVERY TV show these days!!!!