Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > Medical Update--part 2--are Doctors Crazy????

Medical Update--part 2--are Doctors Crazy????

I needed to talk to someone and who better
than a psychiatrist??? I called my psychiatrist to see if I could get
in to see him within the next few days because I am going through a lot
and I need someone to talk to/guidance/answers. I spoke to the
receptionist and explained that I really needed to see the doc to talk
and get through some therapy--she explained he was a pain management 
member of psychiatric services, P. A.abd that if I wanted psychotherapy
I would need to see a psychologist. This was after wasting 2 weeks--as
I said when I first saw him I thought something was wrong because he
was an hour late for the appointment, only spent about 10 minutes with
me and then booked me for the next appointment a month later. The
receptionist explained that's what they did--saw you once a month, went
over your medications and then either added or subtracted them!!

soon as I got off the phone with her I called the mental health
division of my HMO and within 15 minutes had an appointment set up for
next Thursday, Oct. 9 at 2 PM with a psychologist the earliest he could
make it--and, get this, you old timers will appreciate this, his name
is Dennis Day!!!! Ironically his office is three doors down from myprimarie's office!!! And I am looking on it as a good sign that our first session is on Yom Kippur--the holiest Jewish Day of the year.

I am just constantly amazed how ill informed doctors keep their patients about everything and everything--this has happened to me from the first shock I had of being told, out of the blue by a doctor I didn't know that I needed an aorta valvle replacement--I wasn't told about the possibilities of the after effects and,let's face it, I didn't know what questions to ask and they certainly weren't anticipating any questions I might have.
Trust me. I will have many questions regarding the neurilogical hearing and voice  problems before ANYTHING IS DONE!!!!

posted on Oct 2, 2008 2:06 PM ()


So THAT'S what became of Dennis when he retired from the silver screen!
comment by hayduke on Oct 3, 2008 10:10 AM ()
A shrink cost SOOOO much an hour... I would ask the shrink who HE suggested, not the nurse. There are very good therapist in the town, then there are some cranks. We have about 3 people we use... one for marriage or couples... one for teens, and one for eating disorders. These folks are the BEST around. Martin, ask the doc who HE would see and go from there.... don't get sucked in to using just anyone. Some will even let you pay according to your income. Good luck.
comment by cindy on Oct 3, 2008 6:44 AM ()
comment by itsjustme on Oct 3, 2008 3:11 AM ()
I am so glad you found a psychologist to get some help! That's great news!You certainly are very determined...I admire you for that. Kelli
comment by hopefields on Oct 3, 2008 12:21 AM ()
Must be they couldn't find a billing code in order to explain the shrink's job to you. Good for pursuing it to find the right one.
comment by catdancer on Oct 2, 2008 9:59 PM ()
hugs and good luck my firend.
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 2, 2008 4:00 PM ()
There are more old drunks than there are old doctors...go figure
I really hope you get the help you seem to need. actually, after all my years of psychotherapy, I could pass for a therapist. Here, let me show you: "So, how do you feel about that?" "$150 please"
comment by thepirateinthecity on Oct 2, 2008 2:59 PM ()
I have to say that your going through what a lot of people go through. We get so many people coming into the library to do research on their conditions because their doctors tell them so little.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 2, 2008 2:53 PM ()
Sorry that you missed some of this.The movie looks good.
Did you read the book on this?
comment by fredo on Oct 2, 2008 2:45 PM ()
You will have to keep us update on this.Are you watching
Jennifer and did you see her new beau.A handsome dud that he is.
Not sure if she is going to sing.Alica Keyes i.
We will see.I am trying to get you off track on the update there
on your medical.just enjoyed the rest of the show.
Did you call someone to come over to talk to .
The movie looks interesting there,what do you think?
comment by fredo on Oct 2, 2008 2:15 PM ()

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