I needed to talk to someone and who better
than a psychiatrist??? I called my psychiatrist to see if I could get
in to see him within the next few days because I am going through a lot
and I need someone to talk to/guidance/answers. I spoke to the
receptionist and explained that I really needed to see the doc to talk
and get through some therapy--she explained he was a pain management
member of psychiatric services, P. A.abd that if I wanted psychotherapy
I would need to see a psychologist. This was after wasting 2 weeks--as
I said when I first saw him I thought something was wrong because he
was an hour late for the appointment, only spent about 10 minutes with
me and then booked me for the next appointment a month later. The
receptionist explained that's what they did--saw you once a month, went
over your medications and then either added or subtracted them!!
soon as I got off the phone with her I called the mental health
division of my HMO and within 15 minutes had an appointment set up for
next Thursday, Oct. 9 at 2 PM with a psychologist the earliest he could
make it--and, get this, you old timers will appreciate this, his name
is Dennis Day!!!! Ironically his office is three doors down from myprimarie's office!!! And I am looking on it as a good sign that our first session is on Yom Kippur--the holiest Jewish Day of the year.
I am just constantly amazed how ill informed doctors keep their patients about everything and everything--this has happened to me from the first shock I had of being told, out of the blue by a doctor I didn't know that I needed an aorta valvle replacement--I wasn't told about the possibilities of the after effects and,let's face it, I didn't know what questions to ask and they certainly weren't anticipating any questions I might have.
Trust me. I will have many questions regarding the neurilogical hearing and voice problems before ANYTHING IS DONE!!!!