This is another coulda/shoulda/woulda been a good film IF I had directed it, IF IIF I had written the screenplay---oh, wait, this may have been the film if I had directed it, filmed it and wrote the screenplay!!!! had filmed it,
7 new films opened today and we picked this as the best of the
worst--after the first 10 minutes we agreed no more going to the movies
on Friday just to go to the movies on Friday but, little by little, the
movie turned out better than it seemed it would.
started off not knowing whether it wanted to be a comedy or a farce and
near the end turned into slapstick but in between it almost turned
injhto a smart, funny take off of the magazine and celebrity business.
Pegg stars as the real Toby Young who came from England to New York to
carve a notch for himself in that world. It is quite an acting feat for
at the beginning you find him an all around obnoxious human being and
by the end of the film you are almost, but not quite, rooting for him.
film has a powerful cast, including new actors, but all are wasted.
Kirsten Dunst, Gillian Anderson, Jeff Bridges are just a few of the
names that have been in better pictures and will be in better films in
the future just as they have done more with roles in other films and
will do more in future films!
I would like to see Simon Pegg in a film where he doesn't ahve to fight the screenplay and direction all the way!