October 3, 2008 / by greatmartin / Edit Post

The morning didn't start off too good for me--I got up at 9 and by
11 I was walking around drowsy and sleepy eyed--Allen came by to pick
me up to go to the movies around 1 and we went down to the Riverfront
where it was playing.

I took 1/2 a tranquillizer before I left the house and when the
movie started I was still anxious but litlle by little I calmed down
and by the middle of the movie I was fine.

After the movie we went to Lester's diner for lunch. I had a Rueban,
a salad with blu cheese and decafe while Allen had a club, diet coke
and a HUGE slice of lemon coconut cake--I, still on that kick, picked
up a 4 pack of banana nut muffins.
All in all a good afternoon and now having a relaxing evening.