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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Wanting to Let Go ... Completely

Wanting to Let Go ... Completely

Yup, it's election day and the race is so far much closer than I thought it would be. Honestly, I'm not a political nut. I'm not sure there is one great candidate. Instead we vote for the lesser of two evils and hope for the best. And that's about all I have to say about that...

What's more important to me currently is the stuff that's happening in my immediate life and eating at my mind. So many conflicting feelings, short fuse, strong need for silence and alone time while intensely craving physical closeness. I'm a bunch of paradoxes! at a glance...

I had a meeting after school today. Then I had to pick up Kevin from my sister's because she watched him on his half day. Then Marissa had dance and Kev had his first night of tutoring. He did really well and he also did a lot of extra work with me this afternoon.

I brought Kev to his dad's after his tutoring appointment and I made the grave error of letting a conversation start and finding it tough to end it when it got heated. And guess what it was over??? Money, of course!

He let something slip out about "getting the raw end of the deal" and so immediately I got on the defensive. He argued a few reasons why he shouldn't have to pay me. I honestly never thought this was something I'd have to worry about. His reasons were:
1. We make about equal money (true, but doesn't change the point of the's for the kids)
2. We have the kids about equal time (false and I proved to him tonight that I have exactly double hours than he does- this pissed him off to no end).
3. I'm living with G. Therefore we have a dual income and he's only living on one (true, irrelevant and none of his business)
4. He does things for the kids. (Freaking duh! He's the dad. I'm the mom and I do things for them too. It has nothing to do with the fact that these are his kids and he owes it to them to provide for them in many ways-including financially)

So I'm relatively sure we're not going to be on friendly terms for at least a couple of days.

posted on Nov 4, 2008 6:52 PM ()


CHILD SUPPORT IS FOR THE CHILDREN. This one burns me up. And I am an EXPERT when it comes to child support in my county. In a nut shell:
Child support is based on income and the division of the physical custody of the children. If you have them more, it is a simple algebra equation where a judge plugs in the overnights spent with each parent and both incomes. Boom! that's it. There is no secret, no raw deal, no short end of the stick. It doesn't matter how much G makes (they are not HIS kids) and child support will NEVER have anything to do with G's income, EVER.
Grrrrrrr.... It sickens me when a parent justify's why they shouldn't pay support for their children. I could go on and ON and ON, but I won't.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 5, 2008 2:26 PM ()
They are his kids too. Regardless of all those excuses of his, they are still half his responsibility too. Like Janet wrote too.
comment by stiva on Nov 5, 2008 7:24 AM ()
This is sounding a little too familiar, Gee.No excuses...they are HIS children. It is none of his business who you are living with, how much money you make, etc. They. Are. His. And he needs to step up to the plate. I wish is was different for you, too, Gee. And I'm sorry. We're both too nice I think.
comment by janetk on Nov 5, 2008 6:36 AM ()
His behavior is normal. For men, everything is about their job and finances. Even there self-esteem is wrapped up in those areas. So, they often feel that they have the bad end of the deal. They also take for granted what moms do for their children, but when they do something up and beyond the ordinary... they see it as a big big deal. Like I said, he is pretty much normal and it ain't gonna change.
comment by anniel on Nov 5, 2008 2:16 AM ()
A needs to get a reality check.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 4, 2008 7:02 PM ()

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