How did you meet G?
We actually met through a free, online dating website. He said he stopped by my profile every day for over a week before he finally convinced himself to say hello to me. From his very first letter, I knew there was a connection and I knew he was much deeper than any man I'd ever spoken with. We spoke every day through long, heart felt emails for a couple of weeks. He mostly spoke of his experiences with divorce and helped me deal with some of the emotions I was dealing with. When we decided to meet, it was originally so he could lend me a book. It was a religious, self-help type of book and we agreed to meet for a coffee at Dunkin Donuts. The rest is pretty much history as I've written a blog about our 5 hour cup of coffee on May 3, 2008!
It's crazy actually that we lived less than 10 miles apart, went to the same high school, crossed each other in different social circles...yet it took the internet for us to meet! Even more ironic as we talked more, we had actually signed up for that free online site within a day or so of each other.
There are no coincidences!!
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How did you know you were in love with him?
This is an awesome, yet really difficult question to answer. Like I said I felt a strong connection to him right away. We held hands for a while on the first night and we both remarked how amazing it was that our hands fit together so perfectly. I never knew a man's hands could be so soft. I couldn't get him out of my head after he left that night. But I also started to get scared and pulled away for a very short time. He would call me and I wouldn't want to talk. I'd tell myself it was too soon, that I was rushing into things etc.
But I'd have to say that everything changed for me the night he had me over for dinner. Yes, the dinner and the flowers and the wine were awesome. But what it really was....was the kiss. It wasn't just chemistry, it was a soul connection. I turned to putty. It took my breath away. And his eyes, they spoke to me. Speaking to him was like speaking to myself (in a good way, like our communication styles completely meshed). And let's just say that our bodies speak to each other just as well.
Some would say that what I felt wasn't love, but in the six months and two days since our first date...I've loved him more and more with each passing day. Just when I think it's not possible to love him anymore, he does something and I fall more in love.
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If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I know this will sound like a pretty shallow change, but trust me when I tell you that it's something I've struggled with as long as I can remember and have spent way to many hours preoccupied with it. It's the first thing I notice in a picture (I ruin every picture I'm in); it's the first thing I notice in a mirror or anything that shows a reflection; it's what keeps me from feeling good about myself; it's the main cause of my health problems; it's the leading cause of my lack of self-esteem...(you get the picture)
If I could change one thing about myself it would be my weight/ preocupation with foods.
And before you even say it, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking this is something that I can do and don't need to waste a wish on something totally tangible. But that's just it, for me this wish feels the same as wishing for a pink unicorn to show up in my front yard. I've tried every diet known to man. Some suceeded for a while. Others I actually managed to gain on (go figure)! I've "wasted" so much money trying to make my "waist" smaller. I've read books about accepting and loving myself for the way I look right now. My first official diet I started at age 11 and in the 25 years since then...I've managed to every year balloon to bigger than the year before.
So if I could just instinctly know how much to eat in order to maintain a healthy weight, I'd be the happiest woman in the world. (maybe)

I know you have been struggling with your weight for a long time