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Life & Events > Relationships > Janet's Q&A Part 2

Janet's Q&A Part 2

Extended Network BannersWhat is your all time greatest moment in life (so far)?

I certainly couldn't pick just a "moment" in time, but I can definitely pick a time period. The happiest, greatest times of my life have been during both of my pregnancies and then having my newborn babies brought miraculously into this world.

What is your all time lowest moment in life?

Another toughy Janet! I'm thinking that most would expect me to say that my lowest moments have been in this past year, through the separation and divorce. But that's not the case.

I'm having trouble deciding between two equally low moments in my life. Part of me thinks that I was the lowest when Kev was 5 months old and I had to have surgery to put metal rods in my hand and wrist. I'm right handed and yes, it was this one. I was still trying to breastfeed, having to change diapers and take care of my infant. Plus Marissa was only four and still needed quite a bit of help from her mom. I remember feeling soooo helpless and completely alone. All of these tasks were so difficult (nearly impossible) to do one handed and I had basically NO help. I know you all know how helpful my ex was with the kids when we were married (evil eye). My parents owned their own business and didn't have time. My sister had a job and was pretty young and going through her own stuff at the time.

I can remember one day sitting in the middle of my bedroom floor...indian style...crying. It just so happened that a friend I used to work with stopped over at this time. That particular moment, I was pretty low.

But then I also think: maybe it was more of a difficult time than a low time, because let's face it...I had my babies. There is something about having babies to take care of, knowing they need me and love me so, knowing I had a part in creating them.

And I never remember during those times actually wanting my life to end. I felt hopeless because of the situation, not completely hopeless. I knew there was hope and light at the end of the tunnel when my wrist healed.

But then there was the year 05-06 that is still a blurry year for me honestly. So many things changed this year. So many dreams were shattered and so many pictures of the past had been stained with new information that unfolded. The more I got depressed about things happening with my parents and sister, the more A pushed me away. I became so filled with anxiety, sadness and anger that I eventually had to take a leave of absence from the school I was working at. Everything felt hopeless at this moment in time. I felt like I had no love from anyone and that nobody really needed me. I felt like I was a burden to my family and to my friends. I pushed people away and most of them didn't care enough to keep trying to pull me in.

These are right about the time when I discovered blogging. I discovered it because I didn't think I would be able to go back to teaching after my "break down" and was doing online candle sales. Blogging was a business tip! LOL (now look at me)

I think I can honestly say that blogging is the friend that kept pulling me closer when everyone else was pushing away. Thank you all.

Who is the coolest person in Canada? Trick question...I already know the answer!

Of course....Don! (when he's there!) lol
no, it's JanetK!!!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Honestly (and it actually makes me freaking laugh to think about it), the only dreams I had were of being a wife and Mom. I dreamed of having jobs as either a cashier, secretary or teacher!

Ironically, I'm 2 of these currently and have been each and every one of these so far in my 35 years!

Any regrets?

It's so hard to live your life and know you've made mistakes and maybe even to say that you'd do it differently if do-overs were a possibility. But to actually say that I "regret" something, seems so wrong. It's hard for me to regret much in my life because ultimately most of the do-overs I'd choose would affect the birth of my children. Therefore I'd love to talk about the do-overs I'd do, but I can't say that I regret because I currently am loving the life I'm living which was created through the trials and tribulations of my past decisions!

You said you have three secrets. Share one.

Hmmmm....which one to reveal...

I am physically and emotionally attracted to woman (and obviously some select men). I've suspected this since I was 17 and acted on it a couple of years ago (at least emotionally). I had a long distance (computer and phone affair) with a woman and still to this day I say that I loved her. We still talk from time to time online and are both extremely happy in our relationships. OK, so where does the physical part come in if I never met her? (We came 7 days from meeting but I got back with A in July of 2006) TMI I'm sure but her and I had some major phone chemistry and the letters/ poems she wrote me made me quiver. In a completely different circumstance just this winter after A and I separated, I was considering dating a girl. Her and I kissed and it wasn't that the physical attraction wasn't there. It was that her and I didn't click on that deeper, emotional level.

So- there you have it Janet and anyone else who made it this far!

Extended Network Banners

posted on Nov 5, 2008 5:15 PM ()


thank you for reading. It's a great way to admit who I really am and come one step closer to accepting it
comment by firststarisee on Nov 6, 2008 5:35 PM ()
The more I hear about A, the more I appreciate your separation. Men

Not helping when you were literally single handed
comment by stiva on Nov 6, 2008 7:25 AM ()
I'm so proud of you!

No regrets....

A big secret off of your chest... got the trick question (almost) right!
comment by janetk on Nov 6, 2008 6:18 AM ()
I always love reading your answers to these kinds of things, Sis.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 5, 2008 6:32 PM ()
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself.
comment by peanutsmom on Nov 5, 2008 6:13 PM ()

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