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Defining Gee

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > Did I Pass or Did I Fail?

Did I Pass or Did I Fail?

This is what Kev asked me on the phone about his doctor appointment he had about the results of the ADD testing. I had the hardest time explaining to him that it wasn't a pass/ fail thing. Last night he was mad at me because I told him we were going to the doctor. I told him it was to discuss ways that we could help him learn better. I asked why he didn't want to go and he said he was embarrassed. That's hard to take.

Perhaps even harder to take is that the doctor wants to try a low dose of meds for a month trial and the ex won't have nothing to do with it. He says he's against pills which is bs. He said he wanted to have time to research it and my feeling was why the heck hadn't he done it before? He could have researched ADD and its options ahead of time. I'm hoping that all this will just play out fine if I give it a couple more days of patience. Right now he's still "punishing me" for telling him what a bad parent he was the other week.

Today was the first I saw the kids since Friday night and I only saw them for just a tiny bit. It's the longest I've ever been without them and I really find that I'm missing them tonight. Marissa called me a few times like usual (so she probably misses me). Kev doesn't usually talk to me much at his Dad's(he wishes he had his own cell phone) but I did talk to him for quite a while tonight. Mostly about his dr. appt. and then his speech on why he needs a cell phone. Ay ay ay...

Lot rent is going up...
Christmas is almost here...

Everybody is feeling it this year...

I hear more talk than ever about people reducing gift buying this year. Many families have decided to only buy for the children...

Although I am thankful for stolen moments, my weekend was much less than I'd hoped for and felt I so badly needed.

I'm big time thankful that I have Wed, Thurs and Fri off!

posted on Nov 24, 2008 6:59 PM ()


Happy Thanksgiving Gwen.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 26, 2008 2:35 PM ()
Stuff like this is hard for a kid, I don't care what anybody says. Do some research on ADD...not for you, but for your son. You don't have to bombard him with information, but let it come up here and there in conversation when you sense it's good timing for it. Certainly there must be celebrities...sports figures, tv actors, movie actors, singers...that Kev will recognize (maybe he likes) that had/have ADD or have kids with it. Without giving names, you might remind him that there's no need to feel embarrassed because there are roughly "so many kids" (you fill in the number) in his own school that have it, so it is very common and does not make anybody bad or not normal. In the meantime, keep smiling and keep thinking of all the reasons why you really are happy and what you really do love about your'll help make these "speed bumps" go a little easier.
comment by donnamarie on Nov 25, 2008 5:42 PM ()
Poor Kevin. He's too little to know what it feels like to be embarrassed.

I'm glad you get such a nice, long break for your Thanksgiving! Wanna come to Canada?
comment by janetk on Nov 25, 2008 10:17 AM ()
One more day til your break! That's wonderful.
Hang in there...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 25, 2008 6:31 AM ()
You guys should read the Joey Pigza books by Jack Gantos together. Joey is a little guy with ADD. The first one, Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key, deals with Joey learning he has ADD.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 24, 2008 7:23 PM ()

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