Friday afternoon my ex asked me if I still wanted him to take the kids for a "whole weekend". I was surprised and said that I would love to have a whole weekend instead of the usual "Saturday night" being considered his weekend with the kids. G and I had just been talking about how badly we needed couple time to decompress from all the changes and stresses (and mostly just to enjoy each other).
Originally we were going to Christmas shop (with just a teensy weensy bit of money I scratched up). I thought he and I would both feel better if we at least knew that we had started. But the weather forcast of bitter coldness and wind made us delay our plans and we decided to cuddle up together, watch a movie and eat some wings and share a calzone!
It felt heavenly! And to make things even more awesome, I finally got to have a phone conversation with janetk after so many long, in depth emails! It was so awesome and I definitely could have talked to her all night! I probably would of in fact, if it wasn't during our conversation when the first piece of sh$t hit the fan!
You all are not strangers to my on again/ off again relationship with my mother, but G is. And unfortunately she picked our first ever "whole weekend" together to start crap with him. She wrote him a nasty e-mail (totally unwarranted) about "I thought you were good for my daughter and my grandchildren....When I talked to Kevin on the phone the other night, he was so broke my heart...he said you yell at him all the time and never Marissa...Kevin needs..." bla bla bla...
First of all, Kev was in his room for good reason and he is not a novice at this game of playing adults to get his desired results! Secondly G doesn't yell! I'm the yeller! He's the calmest, kindest man I know. Thirdly, did she not think I was capable of handling this situation and that I would never let anyone mistreat my kids? Fourth of all: She's in Florida and we're in NY!! What does she know!!!
So G got really upset, more upset than I've ever seen him. He wasn't upset with me, but in talking to me about sounded as if he was mad at me... He tried to call my mom right away but of course she couldn't be reached. Turns out they were "out"...My parents drink...and she's irrational even when she's not drinking. G just could not let go of how upset this made him and unfortunately all it did was create distance between us for some of the night...
We went to bed early and were ready to start again fresh on Saturday morning. We had to bring Marissa to dance and then bring her to her grandmother's after dance (part of my planned "kid free weekend") During dance we had breakfast together and then browsed the dollar store picking up some good stocking stuffers. After dance we hit another discount store, picking up a few more inexpensive gifts. All through the day, G's daughter kept texting him about how bored and depressed she was because her mom had left them home all day (something she does often even though she only sees her kids once a week now -and only every other week before). Her neglect is part of the reason his daughter lives with us now. She doesn't work, doesn't contribute financially and is constantly too "overwhelmed" to spend time with her kids or listen to them...and God forbid if one of them actually has a problem!
We continued on with our day and had dinner (while G and his daughter texted back and forth). They also had a few conversations through the day. Their mother had left at 11 and at 9:30 was just getting home. G was pissed...everything just kept piling up...things that had been happening for a while just coming to a head over our "alone weekend".
He ended up fighting with his ex. She hung up on him and had her husband answer his next call. It got pretty nasty for a while (enough to ruin most of our Sat. night together). And by this time we made the decision that we'd go get his kids in the morning rather than Sunday night as originally planned (so there would be no trying again on Sunday for some alone time on our alone weekend).
I guess when you're a "real" parent and not just a "sometimes" parent, an alone weekend just isn't something we get to have right now.