I'm thankful for second chances and the love of my family.

Last night our kids left at about 8:00 and then we had a few cocktails at my sister and Flan's house. We were there until about 11:30. Then we came home, watched a recorded episode of Grey's Anatomy and went to bed.
I've already shed a few tears this morning while talking to Kevin. They came out of nowhere. I was walking the dogs and chatting with him about his morning and his plans for the day and the preparation of the turkey that his dad had already started. Kev heard my voice change and asked me what was wrong. I said "Nothing babe, I just miss you." He said "I miss you too mom."
The tears are here again. I guess I need to allow myself a few for my first Thanksgiving without my babies.
I'm thankful for how lovey Kevin has been towards me the past couple of days. It has reminded me of his younger years when he was a love bug all the time. These times get fewer as the kids get older, but I will hang on to them forever. Little quotes in their cute baby voices run through my head. If I close my eyes and try real hard, I can feel their small hand still touch mine. I can almost smell that baby smell and picture my nose on their baby soft skin.
Too many tears...I'll be back