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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Reflections of Thanksgiving Break.

Reflections of Thanksgiving Break.

I meant to come right back to the computer on Thanksgiving, but I just didn't get there. And every time this weekend I sat down to the computer, I thought about what I would write but instead distracted myself with online shopping or mostly online browsing.

How horrible is it about the poor man in NYC, trampled to death while trying to get to his job, as Walmart black Friday shoppers killed him trying to get a sale item?? It is sickening, preposterous, unbelievable! It puts a whole new level on people losing track of the reason for the season. Killing in the name of buying gifts to celebrate the birthday of Christ?

I'm done with that rant...blech...puked in my mouth a lil

It wasn't long after my post on Thanksgiving that I got the nicest call. It was another reminder that everything happens for a reason and another reminder that I should give myself more credit than I do most of the time. One of my past students called to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving from California, where she now lives with her husband and daughter. She said to me "I know this isn't the first time I've told you this, but you're one of the very few people that have actually made a difference in my life." The tears flowed and I thanked her...again. It was a definite turn around in my day from feeling sorry for myself to feeling thankful.

Our Thanksgiving dinner was great if I do say so myself. I tried sweet potatoes for the first that ever (that I remember) and I loved them. It turned out to be a nice, quiet day to remember and give thanks for our blessings. We watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation while we were getting dinner ready. I also got out the few Christmas decorations that I have here and put those out. It made me nostalgic yet happy at the same time. I did wish however that I had all my decorations because it would have made me feel better to make the house even more festive.

Friday morning G and I got up early and the kids came home too. We tried to get the kids to watch a movie with us but Kev was bored and went outside to play with a friend and Riss was glued to the puter! lol G and I spent most of the day surfing the web, looking for Christmas gifts for the kids. Marissa went to a friend's house and so did Kevin. We had no intentions of going anywhere (anticipating the craziness of the day) but at 9:00 pm we decided to go out to Kmart just for a bit. It was a dead zone, freaky quiet and there weren't any deals to talk of but it was nice to get out just the same. I did get a couple of things, mostly for Kevin.

Yesterday morning Marissa had dance from 10:30 to 2:30 and G slept in. He's been having nightmares every night the past few nights. He talks in his sleep so I hear it and usually I can talk to him and he hears me, but when he has these dreams...I can't wake him from them. Sometimes it's scary, but mostly I just wish I could make his bad dreams go away. He's got a lot on his mind though and at least we're aware of what it is his mind's fighting with at night. Kev played with his friend most of the day yesterday too and when both kids got back home, we went out to a few stores. I shopped for the kids and took the stuff to the trunk before meeting up with G and the kids who were browsing around at other stuff together.

I had major insomnia last night and ended up sleeping way too late this morning. I actually feel like I'm ready to go back to sleep and it's almost 4 p.m. G had a bunch more weird dreams last night but among them he had a really sweet one. He had a vivid dream of us having a baby girl that we named Sophie Anne (never a name he'd thought about before). She had curly, strawberry blonde hair and smiled all the time.
We have no intentions of having a baby, nor do I think it would be a smart idea. Yet this is a sweet dream and I must admit I have found myself struck with baby fever more than I'm comfortable with. (must be a chemical response to being madly in love)

I'm tired, yet rested up.
Ready, yet never quite ready to begin a new work week.
Nostalgic of the past and hopeful for the future.
In love and loved.

'Twas a good Thanksgiving break!

posted on Nov 30, 2008 12:52 PM ()


comment by janetk on Dec 1, 2008 5:12 PM ()
I am so happy when you are happy.I'm still very sick.I spent my Thanksgiving alone in the ER with all the nice doctors and nurses.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Nov 30, 2008 9:24 PM ()
I have dreams like that.You and Don could bond over the scariness of them.

Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing holiday, Gee and I couldn't be happier for really deserved this one!
comment by janetk on Nov 30, 2008 5:40 PM ()
I hope you recover from your baby fever soon.

Happy Monday
comment by stiva on Nov 30, 2008 4:56 PM ()
It does sound like a great Thanksgiving weekend!
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 30, 2008 1:01 PM ()

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