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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Owe Many Posts

Owe Many Posts

Another period of blogless days have passed so some of you may recognize that I'm going through a patch of quietness. I tried to make words of my emotions last night but my computer that my Dad just fixed turned all black on me again and I of course lost it.

Speaking of my Dad, there is good progress. I've been released from nursing duty as he feels well enough to take care of himself. The only thing he's really missing is driving and if he had an automatic, he'd probably be able to drive soon. The medical bills are starting to come in and since my Dad is self employed and has been for most of his life, he can't get disability. The insurance denied his ambulance ride from our small town to Albany where he had his surgery and I'm afraid to think that this is only the first bill of $1200 that will be denied. I know it's hard to follow my own advice but I just told them to file it in the back of their bill rack. There is nothing they can do about it for now (unless there may be an appeal process). But lyrically speaking...they can't get blood from a stone.

This past weekend was the first time my ex ever had the kids for more than a night at a time. He picked them up on Sat. night and didn't come home until Tuesday. Although he had to bring Kev over to the bus stop for Summer school on Monday at 7:45. G and I tried to get out of here and to my Dad's before A pulled in, but we weren't quick enough. This led to 2 days of harassment from A just trying to get back at me because I hurt him.

Things are still wonderful with G and I. We already feel like a family and the kids feel it too. Because of my long weekend, I got to spend a record number of nights in G's arms which was wonderful. I'm thankful yet it makes me long to sleep in his arms every night. I cannot believe the serenity I have in his arms.

posted on July 9, 2008 9:32 AM ()


OH Gosh... those medical bills can be horrible. They just keep coming and coming. File em'
comment by shesaidwhat on July 10, 2008 5:23 PM ()
Great news about your dad's progress! I know the bills can't be ignored, but stressing over them isn't going to get them paid or do anybody any good, especially your dad right now who shouldn't be letting anything stress him out.

I love that really does sort of resemble you and G, doesn't it? So cute and, yes, I can understand how you must miss him when you're not together.
comment by donnamarie on July 10, 2008 3:41 PM ()
This post hits me on a few different levels. My Dad died from heart disease six years ago. After a massive heart attack, (his second one), he never stabilized. He was hospitalized for seven weeks until he finally succumbed. The cardiologist surmised that Dad lived with only 10% of his heart functioning for years, but he ignored all symptoms that anything was wrong. I'm glad your dad is doing better!
I too know what's like to find your soul mate!I don't know what I'd do without Mary Ellen!
Love the pic of the cat!
comment by hayduke on July 10, 2008 9:23 AM ()
I am very happy to hear your Dad is doing so well.You don't know how happy I am to see you are so happy and at peace with your life.I am sooooo happy for you and G.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 9, 2008 4:43 PM ()
Glad to hear about your dad.
comment by teacherwoman on July 9, 2008 12:55 PM ()
I am so glad that your dad is doing so good! That is great news. I can so totally relate when it comes to the medical bills. I remember what it was like after Ray's heart attack. We had the same thing happen.
comment by lunarhunk on July 9, 2008 9:58 AM ()

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