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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > I'll Hold Out as Long as I Can

I'll Hold Out as Long as I Can

This morning I didn't plan on going back to bed after I got my son on the bus, but I did. And unfortunately I slept through the time I was supposed to go to my doctor appt. Now I will have to reschedule which is a big deal for me. I hate making phone calls, especially in a down state of mind and especially when I goofed up and didn't make the appointment.

Eventually I headed out to do some errands only to find that the one place I really needed to go wasn't open until 11 a.m. I spontaneously decided to walk in somewhere and get my hair trimmed since I had started trimming it myself last week and it was driving me nuts. I was going to go a bit shorter...but not this short. I felt bad for the woman cutting my hair though. She was working of course and her mom had died yesterday. I felt like I was giving her a friendship type of therapy while she made my hair extemely short. On the plus side, she thanked me for the talk and I shouldn't need another hair cut for about a year!

When Kev got home from Summer school, Riss asked if I would bring her to use more of her birthday gift certificates. So we did go out to the mall and browsed around for a couple hours. It was a nice, family afternoon actually. I got a few things with an old gift certificate I had too. I'm glad I had this day with them especially because they are going with their Dad tonight and I haven't really been feeling up to par lately. Last night G said he was worried about me and that made me feel worse. I don't want him to worry. I don't want to be a bummer in my new, awesome relationship. Plus the fact that he was worried made me think that maybe my slump is worse than I thought it was.

I guess maybe I had hoped I wouldn't have anymore slumps since I haven't had one in the time G and I have been dating (68 days lol- I have a counter on my myspace page). But that really probably isn't realistic thinking. I had hoped my depression would be cured, but realistically just because I'm happy doesn't mean I can skip over all of the healing I need to do.

A keeps saying I should be seeing papers on our divorce soon, but nothing so far which worries me a bit. I hope he's not bluffing or holding out for something. He's certainly not actively trying to get me back (not that it would be possible) but he keeps reminding me that this is not what he wants and he still "loves" me. I don't see it. I didn't even see it when we were together (you all know that).

posted on July 10, 2008 1:35 PM ()


As much of a hassle it is to reschedule your appt, it's probably better that you got the rest you needed
comment by ducky on July 10, 2008 6:23 PM ()
You need to take some time for yourself. You're overwhelmed lately and need a little break from it all.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 10, 2008 5:25 PM ()
You've been taking care of your kids, you've been taking care of your dad, you've been taking care of the inevitable divorce situation and the anxiety he gives you, and you've been taking care of having a great relationship with G. Wow! Now, let's look at YOU. You've been tired, not getting all the sleep you should, been perturbed by the man you're leaving, been turbulant over the separation and upcoming divorce, been emotionally stimulated by G, and you've been nervous, excited, happy, sad, worried, and have memories there and the future of the yet unknown. You need some time and attention for YOU, to balance and smooth out all of this, to let it blend, to come to terms with the negatives and be prepared for the from-now-ons". See a doctor or a professional and talk it all out, making sure you also point out that depression is there, as well as feelings of tiredness, etc. It'll only do you good, which means it will be good and better for everybody.
comment by donnamarie on July 10, 2008 3:52 PM ()
You probably really needed the sleep so it is good that you slept. I am sorry that your feeling down, though.
comment by lunarhunk on July 10, 2008 2:49 PM ()
What a beautiful song!!!!!!!!!!I shut my eyes and just felt so calm listening to it.I wonder if A really knows what he wants.My ex didn't want the divorce but got very mean when he saw I was really serious.In order for me to keep the house(with 2 mortgages)he took my family cemetery lots.
I finally gave in to all his stupid demands to get my divorce.Hang in there and please go to the doctor.You know I suffer from depression and can relate to some of what you are going thru.If G sees your mood change,something must be up.PLEASE make another appointment A.S.A.P.I really care about you.(((BIG HUGS))) Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 10, 2008 2:19 PM ()

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