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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Didn't Sleep ...

Didn't Sleep ...

Usually even when I don't sleep at home by myself, I sleep when I'm with G. But last night I stayed with G and didn't sleep. I don't know why. I just didn't. I was going to leave his house to come home and meet Rissa at 7:30 but instead I was home walking the dogs by 5:30.

Oh well, they'll be plenty of time for sleep later! It's the weekend and I'm on Summer vacation.

My sister and I are planning on going away for the night next Tuesday. It's her 30th birthday. It's so hard to believe that my baby sister is 30! Originally she wanted a big party (that's her style) but with all the stress of Dad's surgery and recovery, she opted for a "Sister Night" away and I think it's just what the doctor ordered for both of us.

We used to do these trips frequently but haven't in the past couple of years. We always have a good time together and it is great bonding time for us. This will be especially useful for us (since the strain of taking care of Dad sometimes had eachother at eachother's throats). I asked my ex to change his night and he was fine with it. Now I just need to see if I can find a sitter for the day
time on Tuesday. I'm hoping that I'll luck out and my Mom will take that day off.

Have a great Friday everyone.

posted on July 11, 2008 3:22 AM ()


So, tell me, did it all work out? Did you have a good time? We all need a little break and a little fun at times, and that means you and your sis, too! (By the way, I love the graphic with the pugs all pooped-out on the sofa...that is so cute and funny at the same time.)
comment by donnamarie on July 16, 2008 11:01 AM ()
I think so
comment by firststarisee on July 11, 2008 12:01 PM ()
I know how much yo ulove spending time with your sister so I know you will have a great time and must really be looking forward to it!
comment by lunarhunk on July 11, 2008 11:31 AM ()
It's good to get away with your sister. My sister and I used to travel by car from Michigan to Florida for get aways in the summer (before we had a gaggle of kids between us) and I swear we'd talk the whole way there and the whole way back. You need some joy and to de-stress, so do it.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 11, 2008 6:49 AM ()

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