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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Fantastic Friday

Fantastic Friday

It's 4:30 a.m. but I'm not upset that I'm not sleeping. I wanted to write last night but I was so content and tired that I fell right to sleep when G left. Every day I feel I can not get more full of love than I am at that moment. And then night time comes and I'm still even more in love and in awe at how he's everything I ever wanted plus all that I never dared to dream I could have.

My cousin watched the kids today and I went down to see my Dad. Me, Sis and Mom took turns in CCU with him as only two can be in there at a time. I am so thankful that the surgery is complete and successful. I'm also praying for my Dad's recovery as this is not going to be an easy process. He still has tubes coming all out of him and they were making him sit up to try to get things moving around like they're supposed to. Everyone in the heart unit gets a heart pillow that they are supposed to use when they cough to hold against their recovering chest bone. The pain meds kept him dozing in and out thankfully.

It turns out we have a guardian angel at the hospital. Sis ended up knowing (as one of her dog clients) the Dean of the Medical School located in the hospital and he has made it his personal mission to check on my Dad and Sis to see if they need anything and to be sure he is receiving the best care. Tonight Mom gets word that Dad is getting moved from CCU to....a private room! Earlier today there were no beds and now....a private room! One of the nurses commented in a "ooh la la" sort of way about the private room and another talked of keeping Dr. Dean informed. What a wonderful man!

Tonight was so much fun with G and the kids. This is the first Friday that he doesn't have his kids. My kids kept asking about them and were worried "Are we going to see them this Summer?" Every day I am truly amazed (and thankful) that they are so accepting and that even the kids seem to feel like we've all known each other forever.

We ate dinner, played Yatzee and then G and I went and played both badmitten and volleyball with the kids. It was so much fun! If you could have seen the smiles on my kids' faces and how much we all laughed! This never would have happened in my old life. It feels like everything is new and I'm able to experience things like "the first time".

When it was dark and we were worn out, we came inside and the kids monopolized G as they all took turns showing each other videos on youtube they each liked. Finally at 10:30 I told the kids it was time to hit the hay! Neither one of them wanted to because they wanted to stay up with G but my son was asleep withing 5 minutes. My daughter kept coming out and getting another hug from G and kept wanted to tell him things. It seems so great to see such a happy look on her face. She is really a special girl. Eventually she fell asleep and I lay on G's lap looking deep into his eyes as we talked. The amazing part is that he's always craved this sense of family closeness too and he kept telling me how great it was that we all played together! (I concur!)

It was truly a fantastic Friday and now it's my favorite day of the week, Super Saturday!

No more school for the whole Summer! Yipee! Life is Great!

posted on June 28, 2008 2:08 AM ()


I couldn't be happier for you! I can really sense the joy in you and I can almost imagine how you would sound if you were telling this instead of writing about it. I think what makes it even more special is the way the kids (his and yours) are all getting along with each other and with the two of you. I'm just so happy that you are happy.
comment by donnamarie on June 30, 2008 11:03 PM ()
It warms my heart to hear about how well the kids are doing. Sometimes I swear the best thing we can do for our children is play with them and laugh with them.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 30, 2008 9:30 AM ()
Things seem to be going particularly well for you and your family! I am happy for you and your love! Isn't love wonderful?
comment by sunlight on June 29, 2008 1:00 PM ()
So glad life is good for you!
comment by frogfenatic on June 28, 2008 4:13 PM ()
Ir sounds like it was a wonderufl day! I am so happy for you and your family. It is great news about your dad! And it is wonderful that you are getting to enjoy time with G and his family, too!
comment by lunarhunk on June 28, 2008 8:30 AM ()

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