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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Dreamy Weekend ... Lol

Dreamy Weekend ... Lol

Okay I'm ready to sink back after a tiresome Monday and think back to a happier time...

The Weekend (lol)

Friday night G and both of his kids came over for pizza and movies. G brought 2 kid/family movies and I made chocolate chip cookies for dessert. We settled into "Underdog" after eating and the kids were all restless. Finally they all reluctantly shared they wanted to go outside because it was still light out! LOL Too cute! It was really still awesome though because they all actually played together and interacted on a real level instead of just sitting in the living room watching a movie. And in the meantime G and I sat and laughed to the kid movies without the kids. They stayed pretty late and all the kids were tired, but still having so much fun. So far all the kids really like each other! (Thank You)

Saturday (my new favorite day of the week)

I arrived to G's house pretty stressed out because of a heated conversation with the ex. He's really putting the pressure on my emotionally right now. I was very upset and didn't want to let it affect our evening. We talked and talked about this problem like the best friends we are. He forever has the wisest things to say and is so compassionate and loving as he strokes my hair and puts his arm around me. Before long, I honestly forgot I had even felt like that. The whole world seems at peace when we're together. (Thank You)

G and I are on very tight, not quite fitting budgets and you know what? We need not spend money to make a dreamy weekend. All I need is to be in his presence. We went over to his parents house and I met his Dad for the first time and we had tea with his Mom again. I think this is just so great. It reminds me of times in my past: Like going to my Gram's to have tea; to my Aunt Ida's to have tea or just sitting with my Mom drinking a cup of tea. I stopped enjoying a hot cup of tea about eleven years ago. Warm, relaxing, tea which brings me back to some of the comforts of my youth. I've re-found having a cup of tea with family
and I'm happy again. I feel safe again. I feel like I'm home again. (Thank You)

After his parents house we went back to his house. We stayed up most of the night taking, loving, cooking breakfast before we went to sleep. I slept safe in his arms all night, never waking until about eight the next morning. Even without my doggies (don't worry, Sis had them) I slept like an angel wrapped in love. (Thank You)

Morning came and the sun shone through the window as a nice, cool breeze came in the window. We cuddled there and talked some more until almost ten when we got up and drank coffee together. Not wanting the moment to end, we both kept gravitating back to each other with kisses and warm
embraces. (Thank You)

Eventually it was time to go get my kids. It may have looked like I drove off in my Chevy but I really floated on Cloud Nine. We weren't apart an hour when we were back on the phone and planning our meeting time for the day. This was Sunday, the day he planned to meet my Grand parents. (Thank You)

Like everyone else so far, they absolutely loved him. Gram invited us to come have tea with her and the look in her eye just made my heart melt. I can't wait to go have tea with her. It is so incredible that I can actually be close to my family again. It is wonderful to be able to spend time with the man I love and my family all at the same time and have it be enjoyable rather than feel like a stressful chore. (Thank You)

I really never knew how much I was missing out on. I really never knew that a love like this could exist. I never planned to fall so fast and so hard. And I have no fear of it! It feels so right. (Thank You)

And then came Sunday night and then Monday morning. I was bringing my son to his Dad's on the way to work and he says to me "Mom, I wish Dru (G's son) was my brother." (Thank You)

Don't wake me if I'm dreaming.

posted on June 2, 2008 5:42 PM ()


Do you know what is so nice about all of this? Well, what's so nice is that it ISN'T a dream! And, although there is nothing wrong with having a dreamy sleep, if you are sleeping (and dreaming) right now, you do want to wake up...because you don't want to miss not one moment of this! So, dream on, but...ahem...WAKE UP! Life and love are waiting, live it and enjoy it!
comment by donnamarie on June 4, 2008 4:36 PM ()
If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were spending the weekend with my sweet love - the Slick One. Amazing! and Wonderful! and the thank-yous were the greatest of all! I am very happy for you know why I can really feel what you feel, because I have the same thing. Who'd have thought there were two of them still left out there in this world!!
comment by dakmom on June 3, 2008 5:06 PM ()
I can't remember where I first saw was many moons ago.But I do remember remarking that it was anonymous.
comment by janetk on June 3, 2008 9:02 AM ()
"If the only prayer we ever said in life was thank you...that would be enough".I won't wake you....
comment by janetk on June 3, 2008 6:58 AM ()
this is all so wonderful! and I am so happy for you girl!
comment by elkhound on June 3, 2008 6:07 AM ()
I told you that you would discover treasures about your new love/life that you didn't even realize that you wanted. It's wonderful. Carry on
comment by shesaidwhat on June 3, 2008 5:41 AM ()
Finding a true soul mate and enjoying such a relationship is difficult to put into words, but you have done such a wonderful job. I think the "thank yous" at the end of the paragraphs are so delightful. We should be more appreciative and express it! Great!!
comment by angiedw on June 3, 2008 5:14 AM ()
Sounds quite dreamy! I am so happy for the both of you!
comment by lunarhunk on June 2, 2008 6:57 PM ()
wow!!! That's amazing. I am sooooo glad you guys found each other!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 2, 2008 6:15 PM ()

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