Some days I feel the overwhelming need to sleep for my 1 hr. 15 min. lunch break and I've never had a problem getting up and ready with my alarm.
So today was just another hot, steamy day and I was exhausted already at noon. I'm really starting to get worried about not having a job next year. I don't really want to go into details right now. I was ready to go to the middle school after a 5 minute freshen up following my nap. I looked at the clock and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a half hour later than I thought it was and my class had already started! I rushed to my car and turned it on still hoping maybe my kitchen clock was wrong. But to my dismay the car clock read the same as the kitchen one. I put the pedal to the metal and zoomed to school. I ran in the building a little more than 10 minutes late for class!
This is usually the time when you wake up and realize it was all a bad dream.
But I was awake!
Luckily everyone was just concerned about me and looking for me but I didn't get reprimanded or anything like that.
What a nightmare.
I need to learn to let go of not being able to sleep by myself.