So we were out in the field for 2 1/2 hours! There was a small fire inside, 3 fire trucks and an ambulance! And then guess what?? We had to go in and have school on a 2 hour delay schedule! Grrr!! It made my day more hectic and gave me no break in between schools.
I was feeling very tired and grumpy after school so I did take a short nap. I didn't get up feeling better though unfortunately. I felt awful anxious. I sure wish I didn't, especially tonight when I had been looking forward to all of us going to my daughter's recital.
G is so much like me. He immediately sensed my tense mood. I was impatient with the kids in the car on the way. My son is upset with me that I grounded him to our yard for leaving where he was supposed to play. My daughter and I couldn't find him for a while and I was not only worried but also frustrated since we needed to eat quickly and go to the show.
The show was beautiful. My daughter did wonderful. My Mom, Gram, Sis and her hubby, along with G and his son all were there. The two boys get along so well. It really helped having Drew there for my son to talk to. During intermission
it was so cute! G went and sat in the chair next to my Gram and visited with her.
When we got home after 9, my ex had called me FIVE times! Luckily though he didn't talk to me long when he got a hold of me when he realized I wasn't going to play into whatever game he's playing. He asked me to talk to him until he got home because he was having a panic attack. Then he let me go after asking me how things went tonight at the recital and I told him that they went awesome. He knew that G and his son went with us. He chose to go to Sat. night's recital with his family, which works out fine!
I'm so glad tomorrow is the weekend. I'm looking forward to having our sacred Saturday together, and this week, I have all day Sunday without kids! Extra time to soak up all the love I can to get me through the next long week.
When he holds my hand and looks at me, I really do get lost in his eyes. Even just a closed lip kiss takes my breath away. His hug makes my insides completely serene. His love is amazing. I feel so blessed.