Last night Marissa did the teenage Halloween thing and went out with her friends trick or treating and then spent the night at a friend's house. The other 3 kids, G and I went trick or treating at the mall. We'd never done that before but I definitely think it was a great idea. The kids had fun, no complaints. We took them out to Friendly's for dinner after and then went over to G's parents house for a little while. His mom showed me the material she had bought for the homemade jammies she's making for each of my kids. I think it's awesome that she's including them and that my kids will get special, made with love <3 Christmas pijamas. Kev's pattern is so perfect for him. It's camouflage with frogs!Riss' is blue with monkeys and little red hearts. She'll love hers too. She loves anything fuzzy and hand made things mean a lot to her. She's sentimental like her Mom.
Today was busy and went fast. I had to pick Riss up from her friend's by 10 to bring her to dance. Then when I picked her up from dance, we went over to the school to help make the float for her 7th grade team that will be in the Christmas parade. They're making a huge float that is really elaborate and big. They're going for the Christmas around the world theme and are representing: China, Mexico, Greenland and Hawaii. Riss and I went to buy empty chinese take out boxes and then we painted red Chinese symbols on all the boxes. It was really fun to study the words and try to recreate them in paint. What an art learning to write Chinese must be.
G's sister and 2 girls came over for dinner tonight. We watched a movie, ate and then the kids played some wii bowling. I'm really glad they finally came over. I like G's family a lot and especially his sister Lori. I've invited her quite a few times to come over. The girls had a lot of fun and asked when they could come again. So hopefully they'll bug their mom and come over more often.
My parents are in Florida for the winter now. Last week my Gram had surgery which removed half of her finger and everything went well. They'll be heading to Florida early this coming week. My sister has been real busy and our schedules just don't match up . I miss her a lot. Sometimes I feel like I don't "have" a family. I mean of course I have a family, but when I don't get to see them and they're not close by...I feel alone. I think that even though I'm extremely happy with G, it's a harder year to have my family gone for Thanksgiving because it's the year of all my "firsts". The first of every holiday without him, without being married, without visiting all the people we used to visit and (for at least part of the holidays) without my kids.
Monday afternoon is the conference to find out the testing results for Kevin and if he will qualify for any more extra services that will help him be academically successful. Prayers and positive thoughts on this would be much appreciated. I also pray that he will accept going to tutoring on Tuesday without being so angry and that perhaps he may even enjoy it. I talked with her and she plans to use a reward system with him. She has a very calm demeanor which will be excellent for Kevin. As much as I don't want to, I lose my patience with him- especially when he's stubborn and whines about doing his work when I'm trying to help him.
My sister's dog Pippi looked so beautiful for Halloween yesterday! I just love our new french bully!

Good luck with Kevin. Hopefully a reward system will help him.