Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > Relationships > Making a House a Home

Making a House a Home

We have been living in this house for 3 years and I have not made it homey. Perhaps I didn't feel like it after losing our house 3 years ago. Then I was working all those crazy hours at walmart and had no energy for anything. But now that I am not working I should be able to do this. It took the rekindling of a lost friendship to put me in the frame of mind to make my house a home. Marie and I had worked together about 20 years ago. I was just starting out in accounting and she was a huge help to me. She showed me how to get oranized so I was more efficient. We were best friends. About the time I got my house in 1995 we started losing touch. I don't know why. We never fought, we just slipped away. I found her on facebook and we started talking again. She is also unemployed right now. Once a week we get together and go to thrift stores. She gave me a beautiful hutch for my dining room and proceeded to help me find things to put in it at very low cost. Most of the time she won't let me pay for things. She came over my house this past wednesday and we cleaned out my two back rooms that were a disaster. The back porch is the dumping zone,and there was a narrow path to walk through to get in the house. We sorted trash, recycling, and good stuff. When she heard we did not have much money for these two weeks between paychecks, she took me grocery shopping. I told her I don't ever want her to feel I am taking advantage of her. But it's a give and take relationship. We have fun together and we know each other's secrets and hopes and dreams. She is a planner. I am not. She is an organizer, I am not. She encourages me and pumps me up to get things done. We talk on the phone several times a day. We put the phones on speaker while we are working around our houses. She is my fiesty little Italian friend. I am her clumsy, awkward good listener friend. When we are together on our day together we do alot of talking and laughing. Sometimes there are tears. As we part for the day we hug and tell each other, I love you.

Marie sets goals for me. My current goal is to clean up my laundry area by the end of the month. I had a mountain of clothes there, some clean and some dirty. I am whittling that down! She has devised a list of chores for Kota, easy ones he can handle with no problem. In return we buy him a toy on our thrift store shopping days. Marie has given me back my joie de vivre! I hope I spelled that right! She is so much more than my best friend. She is my confidant, my coach, my sister and my drill sergeant!

posted on Sept 25, 2011 7:58 AM ()


I love this post. How lucky you are to have each other!
comment by gapeach on Sept 29, 2011 7:22 PM ()
it is so nice to have her in my life, I think we compliment each other well. She really has and eye for decorating and I have an eye for bargains. We get together one day a week and talk every day on the phone. We never seem to run out of things to talk about.
reply by elkhound on Sept 30, 2011 5:40 AM ()
It feels good to have a friend like yours. You can share secrets and know
that they will be safe. Thrift shops are wonderful. There is nothing more
inspiring than to come home to a neat, put together house. Just trash
what doesn't fit or give it to goodwill or the Salvation army. I go
through the mail every day and either trash it or put it in a safe
place to answer later.
comment by elderjane on Sept 29, 2011 5:07 AM ()
with the help of my friend I am learning to throw things away rather than to just let them sit around. My downstairs is pretty much done except for finding some curtains. Now to tackle the upstairs. She really laughs at how I save every box. Now I have a designated area for recycle things and my boxes are broken down and ready to go! Thrift stores are amazing! I feel like I have really splurged in decorating but when you get things for less than a dollar, it's totally justifiable!
reply by elkhound on Sept 30, 2011 5:42 AM ()
Best friends are the best!
comment by nittineedles on Sept 25, 2011 6:20 PM ()
to have that one person who just gets you, it's amazing!
reply by elkhound on Sept 26, 2011 5:32 AM ()
Yay for facebook!

I have a friend like that, too (you'll probably know who based on my facebook page). They are absolutely invaluable.

Try to break down your chores so that they aren't as overwhelming.
comment by juliansmom on Sept 25, 2011 6:20 PM ()
my ongoing chore right now is laundry. my friend gave me a deadline of the end of the month. I rarely fold and put away the clothes so that is my job right now. I did start to tackle the bedroom yesterday. I am throwing away anything I can't wear anymore, or give it to goodwill!
reply by elkhound on Sept 26, 2011 5:33 AM ()
How wonderful that you two reconnected — there is nothing better than a blooming friendship! Best wishes on your homey home project! You've inspired me to tackle some hard tasks I've been putting off. xoxo
comment by marta on Sept 25, 2011 6:09 PM ()
it's quite fun decorating on a budget! as i am cleaning up rooms, then I get ideas for what I want to do with the room. my bedroom is the next major project. clothes everywhere, half of them i can't even wear anymore! my friend's house looks like something out of a magazine!
reply by elkhound on Sept 26, 2011 5:35 AM ()
What a wonderful blessing. The great thing about true friends is you can take up right where you left off, even if it was years ago.
comment by troutbend on Sept 25, 2011 3:33 PM ()
that is so true! and she doesn't judge me for how my house looks or that I don't put laundry away. it is just so nice to have her back
reply by elkhound on Sept 26, 2011 5:37 AM ()
Know what you mean.Get rid of stuff.Ha!!!look at me I should get rid of alot of stuff.
comment by fredo on Sept 25, 2011 8:48 AM ()
I have alot of clutter in my house. Things not where they should be. and then I find things I have no idea why I am saving it!
reply by elkhound on Sept 25, 2011 9:36 AM ()
The less 'stuff' you have the easier life is!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 25, 2011 8:09 AM ()
I am getting rid of all kinds of stuff! why do I hang out to shirts that are ripped and have holes in them????
reply by elkhound on Sept 25, 2011 9:35 AM ()

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