Of the truck that must have run over me? Oh my lordy, everthing hurts today and I am soooo tired. It was fun being in the parade, sort of. It was cold and although we were bundled up, I was still cold. We had alot of people on our float. A couple parents rode the float to keep an eye on their little kids. One grandfather rode with us and he sat next to me. He was the life of the party!
No one mentioned to me that we would be ending the parade at the high school and would need a ride back to our cars, 2 and a half miles away. LOL When we got to the high school I borrowed a cell phone and called hubby. The lady whose phone I borrowed would not leave until I was picked up. she had two small children and I told her to get her kids home! I told her me and kota would go stand by a policeman until hubby picked us up. which is just what we did.
Kota loved the adventure and he was mr. popularity. All along the parade route I kept hearing his name being yelled out by friends and teachers. He thought that was way cool!
I have a short shift today, only 4 and a half hours. Thank God, cuz I feel horrible. I am about to take a nice hot shower and load up on ibuprofen! Next year, I will let kota ride the float and I will wait in my warm car at the end of the route.