While we were sleeping Jack Frost came and sprinkled his frost all over our landscape. Although it looked quite pretty, I was not happy leaving my warm bed this morning. So I am dressed for winter today. Tee shirt, long sleeved shirt and sweater. Pants, tights, and socks with my timberland boots. I like to bundle up! It is going to get to 64 today but I like to be warm.
Kota had to wear my jacket today as we could not find his all weekend. I have a feeling he left it at the boys and girls club. Which he has done before so I think we will get it back today.
I have left the heating of the house to hubby. He brought home from work a gas unvented heater. He tried to install it last night but the legs he had for it did not fit, and it needs the legs for proper venting or some such thing. He has not ordered the fuel oil. *frown* But he said he will do that this morning. The good thing is we can put the cost on his account and make payments. I told him I better have some heat tonight! Our bedroom actually stays warm, its upstairs and the sun warms it during the day. Its coming down to the living room at 6 in the morning that is the problem. The propane for the heater we can get free, with approval from his boss. He said hubby can take home a tank they have sitting in the yard and use the propane in them. Pretty cool huh?
Our rent is due on the 15th and while we had the money, we did not get up with our landlord until yesterday. His business is right behind our house. Hubby took the money over and asked him if there is somewhere we can either leave the money, or put it in our mudroom for him to pick up. The landlord said, I know you guys are going to pay me. Don't worry about it. When you see me, then you can pay me. How cool is that! We have been so blessed to not only get this house but to have a very nice landlord!
We had visitors this weekend. On saturday night my sister, brother in law and my mom stopped by. They brought some housewarming gifts. My sister brought me a huge houseplant, an aloe plant. I had told her I need houseplants. They also brought this porcelain canister set, made in Germany. They had been to the Amish auction earlier in the day and it was one of the finds they got. I love it! I will post pics of it later! I am hoping I can find more pieces to it, maybe on ebay! Our daughter and her best friend also stopped by. We sat around drinking coffee and just chatting. It was just so nice! I love having people over now. At the old house I dreaded it. I had let the house go, the animals had made it smell. But this house, I take alot of pride in. Its an old house with alot of character. Hubby even helps me clean! I think we needed this fresh start to see what is important to us. And its not the house we live in. Its each other, our kids and our families. Hubby has even taken to cooking again! He is a very good cook and I have missed his meals.
Wishing you all a great Monday