Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > Relationships > Dreams


 I have had alot of dreams in my lifetime. I am finding it odd that some of my dreams are coming true now. They are not big things, but things that mean so much to me.
First, there is this house. No, we don't own it, we only rent but it is my dream house. A large two story house with lots of room and people who love to come and visit. The front porch that I have always dreamed of having, to put plants on, a swing and just enjoy my outside time. I am happiest when I can be outside, even if it is really cold outside.
My kids are all doing well. Daughter is balancing work and college and still has time to drop by and see us. It is amazing to see how she has grown into this amazing young woman. She is my heart.
My son is going off to welding school next week I believe. when he was a teenager he had little to no ambition and I never heard him say I want to be a _____ when he was growing up. Its nice to see him pursuing his dreams. And he has a lovely fiance who makes him happy! Their lives are just starting and its exciting to follow them on their journey. Although also a bit sad to think of my two older kids being adults and starting their lives.
my little dakota. The joy of all our lives. His sense of humor, his sensitive side, the way he loves to dispense hugs and kisses to his favorite people. The way his face lights up when his sissy walks in the door! He has adapted to all of our life changing moves of recent. He is back to the kid we all know and love and treasure so much. He picks us up and makes us laugh, no matter how bad a day we have had.
My husband, the soul mate I always dreamed of. If anything, we have been tested by the fire and come through refined. I still love him with all my heart and so thankful he is my husband and best friend. Knowing I have him to share my life with, is really all I need.
Little things. I have a fireplace now. Granted its a fake one in that it is a gas fireplace. But, my how cozy it makes our living room! Watching the flames play over the logs, relaxes my body and soul. Hubby installed it last night and knowing how much he loves us and takes such good care of contributes to that relaxation.
Having a job I actually enjoy going to! No it isn't a huge money maker but it helps us immensely. going to work and interacting all day with customers has been so much fun. Even when we are super busy and I have a long line, I still have fun. I come home tired and knees aching, but its a good feeling. In these times where so many cannot find jobs it is a comfort to know I can work to help my family. Having customers compliment me on my friendliness and my great smile, well it warms my heart. I know I dread shopping when I have a cashier who obviously does not want to be there working. These are tough times for everyone and if I can provide them with a chuckly because my bags all come off the carousel then that is just great. LOL I complain about the bags ALOT!
Life truly is what you make it. I could be down because I lost my house I struggled to buy. I could feel like a failure because of that. I could be embarassed that I drive a 10 yr old car and super glue is my favorite fix it for it! I could dwell on the fact that I cannot afford the latest fashions. But that simply isn't me. I am the eternal optimist. Throw me a curve ball and I just may hit it out of the park.
I am thankful for my life and the direction it has turned. I feel blessed to have so much love and happiness with my family. I am thankful for the relationships I have with my two older kids. while I don't take credit for how they have turned out, I am simply thankful I have them in my life and can watch their lives unfold before my eyes.
I have some great friends too. Friends who are but a phone call away. If I need a shoulder to cry on, someone to lift my spirits, I know where to go. I may not have an address book full of names or numbers but the ones I do have are solid gold. A special thank you to all of my friends who continue to encourage me, inspire me and just make me smile.

posted on Oct 21, 2008 11:48 AM ()


comment by mzscarlett on Oct 22, 2008 7:58 PM ()
Yes, great post! And to think, on top of all this greatness you have in your life, there's chocolate cream pie too!!!
comment by whereabouts on Oct 22, 2008 7:23 PM ()
You know, thing I hold fast to these days is that although I cannot afford nice name brand things or frequent dinners eaten out, I have a family that I love. At the end of the day, when my children are both home safe and sound, I breath a sigh of relief and all is well in my life...regardless of the circumstances. It seems you are at that same place as me. You have reached a point where you are content in all that you have. Your home is embraced with love and grace. As I said in another comment earlier, I am proud of you, my friend.
comment by hopefields on Oct 22, 2008 4:26 AM ()
What an inspirational post! I've been reading The Secret again lately, and it's so true, when we fill our lives with joy, everything will fall into place. Keep up your great attitude and wonderful things will continue to come your way!
comment by mellowdee on Oct 21, 2008 8:09 PM ()
I am proud to be a friend of yours!!!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 21, 2008 6:44 PM ()
That was beautiful!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Oct 21, 2008 2:37 PM ()
I am so glad that things are goin gso well for you. It is great when we are able to look beyond the troubles we have faced in order to enjoy our happiness!
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 21, 2008 2:35 PM ()
What a simply wonderful post, Mary. And an equally wonderful reminder for all of us that sometimes the grass *isn't* greener on the other side.
comment by janetk on Oct 21, 2008 2:20 PM ()
great post
comment by firststarisee on Oct 21, 2008 1:50 PM ()
You're doing well with your rainbows and lemonade

Do you have space to put a stool or something so you can raise your foot while standing? Alternating like that might relieve the pressure on your knee.
comment by stiva on Oct 21, 2008 12:56 PM ()
comment by jondude on Oct 21, 2008 12:00 PM ()

I love the positivity that you are dripping with lately! It sounds as though you are truly happy - and that is the best!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 21, 2008 11:56 AM ()

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