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Funny Boy!
Funny Boy!
Last night I finally ventured out, had to pick up some things at walmart. Well it was just me and my funny boy kota. First we had to get gas. So I am pumping the gas, kota has rolled down his window to talk to me. The guy on the other side of the pump was filling his truck. He was cleaning his windows. Well the pump didn't shut off automatically and gas was running out. Kota says (real loud) MOM, that guys gas is leaking everywhere! I tried not to laugh. The guy turned and looked over, a sheepish look on his face. I kind of nervous chuckled and said, kids don't miss a thing and aren't afraid to tell you. He chuckled too. Whew!
Then it was on to walmart for some necessities. We are standing in line and a friend from back in the day saw me. lol Back when I was a tad crazy, hanging out in bars. He came over, gave me a big hug and said how happy he was to see me. Then he sees kota and says, you're a mom! lol It was funny. I said yep, I had to grow up sometime. I have a feeling he still hasn't grown up. He's still single, not sure about kids. I guess he was shocked I settled down, was married and had a kid. Who knew? hehe Some day I will have to fill you in on the 'good old days'. While I don't regret them, I am glad I lived through that time period.
I am feeling much better today, I can actually tell I am getting over this flu thing. And its friday!
posted on Mar 14, 2008 5:28 AM ()
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YES! We have to get AJ to start blogging here--it's only because of him and a couple of others I still am there==let's put the pressure on him!!!!