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Bragging on My Boy
Bragging on My Boy
Report cards came home yesterday. A day we don't dread in this house. And this one is no different. They don't really get number or letter grades, they get 'needs improvement' or 'satisfactory'. But then I saw an 'O'. Whats an O mean? O means OUTSTANDING! He got it in reading. Now let me share some of the things his teacher had to say about him "Dakota is a bright young man. He brings insights and connections to our classroom discussions that truly show higher level thinking. In reading, he fluently reads above level texts.' So I am quite proud of my little guy.
I found a karate school close to where we live, I am checking into it for kota. I think he would really enjoy that.
Its a fairly nice day, so Kota has already gone to play with his two buddies down the street. I made him wear a long sleeved shirt but no jacket. Its warm, but the breeze is slightly chilly. He hates long sleeved shirts, but he hates wearing his coat more. So its a compromise we came up with. Plus its not like he is just standing still out there, they play basketball, football and soccer.
Hubby is working today. blah. He promised next weekend he won't work. And since next weekend is Easter, he best not be working!
posted on Mar 15, 2008 8:11 AM ()
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Kota will love karate, and maybe mom could join in - in the senior classes. It's a wonderful bonding when you both are learning the same things