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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Wednesday Afternoon

Wednesday Afternoon

I had a bad scare last night. Ted had an episode that I
think resulted from being too tired. He didn't tell me until
it was almost over. His heart beat and pulse was extremely
rapid but he had taken an aspirin and a blood pressure pill
and it was still scary. We are very close to the emergency
room and I have instructed him that if it ever starts again,
I must take him. He was trying not to worry me.

I grocery shopped at the base this morning and as usual it
was a treat just being around such nice people. They all
seem happy and are super courteous. I don't remember the
army base being that way so am wondering if the Air
Force is just a nicer place to be.

We went to Muskogee yesterday with Ted's brother David
and his wife to visit several antique stores. I think Ted just
over did. We left at nine and didn't get home until six.
As usual, Rex was beside himself when we got back. I had
the wheel chair for Ted but it was still too long.

I have to look at Jon's kittens every day. They are so cute
and Quincy is extraordinary. Soon they will be all grown
up and we can't enjoy their kittenhood anymore. It is
amazing to have Hobster...almost like having a reincarnation of Hobbes.

posted on July 25, 2012 12:31 PM ()


Yes, the kitties are cute. All animals, including the human variety, are so sweet and precious when they are babies. I miss not having a baby to cuddle. Kenzie is now nine, and she still loves to get and give hugs, but it is not quite the same as a baby. Holly says "no more children" and I know Kenna is getting too old, so I guess my "sweet baby days" are behind me.
comment by redimpala on July 31, 2012 7:32 AM ()
Did not want to upset you? And getting seriously ill or worse would upset you less? Hit him over the head for me, please!
comment by dragonflyby on July 27, 2012 10:06 AM ()
Yes,maybe he had to long of a day there.But I am sure that you will be more careful next time.
Just set a time limit for him and you know how much that he can stand.
That was a scare but did right about the aspirin .That is the first thing that you should do when this happen.
comment by fredo on July 25, 2012 1:17 PM ()
If it happens again, rest assured he will go to the emergency room. I should not have let him do so much. I thought he handled it well but
made him swear that next time he would tell me.
reply by elderjane on July 26, 2012 6:53 AM ()
I hope Ted is alright. Jeri have you heard anything from Sue (Susil) lately?
I tried to call her on phone awhile ago (maybe 30 min), didn't get an answer. We don't talk to each other any more. She got mad, called here and my dil answered. She don't trust me anymore. All I wanted was to be friendly. She has a great writing talent for writing.
BTW, I am editor of a monthly church newsletter. I send sue one. If you will send me your address I will get one out to you and put you on the mailing list if you like.
comment by larryb on July 25, 2012 1:04 PM ()
I tried but don't know how. Sue can't get on mybloggers so she can't read
your comment. I think you could be a lot of company for each other since
you live so close.
reply by elderjane on July 26, 2012 6:56 AM ()
hi larry, sue is okay, just having major computer problems. I phoned her today to find out why she hasn't been on. check my blog "About Susil".
reply by tealstar on July 25, 2012 3:43 PM ()
BTW, I thought I was sending you a pm
reply by larryb on July 25, 2012 1:06 PM ()
I love Jon's kitties as well. They are adorable!!! I am so sorry about the scare with Ted. Yikes. I am glad you are there with him though.
comment by kristilyn3 on July 25, 2012 1:00 PM ()
Yes, it would be very dangerous for him to live alone.
reply by elderjane on July 26, 2012 6:57 AM ()

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