When it comes to interior decorating and cooking, I think
that I am pretty good at creativity. Probably it comes from
taking a lot of magazines and pouring over them. Right now,
I have a huge box full of big, beautiful yellow bows and who
knows what I will come up with. I purchased them at the
base thrift store and imagine that they were used in a
wedding. They are in perfect condition. Baloon boquets?
There are always birthdays and a need for something cheerful
for a hospital room.
However, when it comes to practical solutions, I am clueless. Ted is the king of invention and problem
solving in our family. He even makes some of his own
tools, when he can't find one he needs.
There is a creativity workshop going on or soon to be
going on in Oklahoma City right now. The fees are exorbitant or I would go. I always thought that when I
retired that my creative juices would be unleashed but they
must be hideing out there in space somewhere. Perhaps
in a parallel universe on Goldilocks.