Bobby had to go back to the hospital because of an infection
and had another surgery all within three days. He is having
to wear an ostomy bag for three months, have chemo and then
another operation to reverse it. Ellie is very fragile and
Pat and I have alternated nights at the hospital. He is coming home tomorrow and will have home health care for a
while. He is enough better that I got to sleep in my own
bed last night and will tonight. I didn't mind because I
was more relaxed being with him so I could hear him breathe.
We almost lost him Tuesday night. It is stage 3 cancer. Four
of the sixteen lymph nodes that the doctor took were cancerous.
Ted and Rex were awfully glad to see me yesterday morning. I
am anxious to catch up on blogs. I managed to stay abreast
of the housework but not the shopping. Rex is almost out of