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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Retirement > Saturday


I am still in an organizing mode. I am starting on my dressing table next. I realize that this is a psychological
need to bring order into my life since there are events I
cannot control. However, I have a lot of old make up to
discard and everything does not have to be on top.

The girls keep me distracted and amused most of the time.
Our Laura is going to O. S. U. next fall. She is frantically
saving for a car and we are going to match her savings. She
works 30 hours a week and is taking a full load at Tulsa
Community College. She is going to major in fashion design.
Not to mention that she has arranged her classes to help
Sara care for Owen on Fridays. She will have to learn to
sew and this will be useful her entire life. I wish that
I had been that determined at that age.

Fredo asked what we all found interesting in blogs. Everyday
life, funny anecdotes, and interesting facts and opinions are
what interest me. How about you?

posted on Jan 14, 2012 8:07 AM ()


You are so proud of the girls, and that goes a long way in helping them develop self-confidence.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 19, 2012 5:47 PM ()
I'm sure you're very proud of "the girls". True, many of us seem to be in the clean-up mode. Unfortunately, I'm in the procrastination mode.
comment by solitaire on Jan 15, 2012 6:22 AM ()
It feels good to do something physical.
reply by elderjane on Jan 17, 2012 4:54 AM ()
There were 23 years between the end of WWI and our entry into WWII. That's barely a generation. If you Google U.S. wars, you will find a list that is daunting -- several hundred, including of course, wars with Indians, and the Civil War, and our interventionist wars in South America. It's amazing that we have any sense of peace time.
comment by tealstar on Jan 15, 2012 6:03 AM ()
It certainly is. The situation with Iran and North Korea scare me. It is
time for diplomacy and these nuts keep posturing.
reply by elderjane on Jan 17, 2012 4:55 AM ()
I like to read what is going on in various parts of the country. We are all pretty much the same, aren't we? When we reach a certain age, that is. I lost control of my house when my daughter and two grandsons moved back home. I had been living alone all over my house for twenty years. Sharing is taking an effort for all of us. I am purging things too because there is no room now. And I am (was) a pack rat.
comment by boots586 on Jan 14, 2012 1:18 PM ()
I love being with the grandchildren and I sort of envy you having them around. Not Ted though, he love the kids and grand kids but in three hours
he is ready for them to go home.
reply by elderjane on Jan 14, 2012 8:54 PM ()
Yes I love posts with detail and most of mine are about my life, but then my outrage at current events take over and I can't help myself. It looks like many of us are being gripped by the clean-up urge. I keep rearranging my dressing counter and it is a lost cause because, unlike my younger self, I now have a night time routine that requires a check list. I used to have nightmares and wake up,sure I had forgotten something, the omission of which meant death. (I'm serious.) Then I'd wake Ed up because I didn't want to go without saying goodbye. Then reality would set in. And he'd be really annoyed. For some reason, those episodes have found down.
comment by tealstar on Jan 14, 2012 12:24 PM ()
I love knowing about other people's lives and problems and how they overcome
them and cope. How could we not get indignant with the way the world is going? I am terrified about the Iranian scientist that was killed because it may be a springboard towards another war. Do you realize that you and I
have lived with war or the threat of war since we were little girls?
reply by elderjane on Jan 14, 2012 8:58 PM ()
your statement about the psychological need to bring order to your life, wow! I have been going through this house, trashing everything we don't need or use! I have to stop now as I have way too much trash to put out for pick up day. But that really makes sense to me. I have alot I am dealing with right now and things that are out of my control. have a great saturday!
comment by elkhound on Jan 14, 2012 10:36 AM ()
We will be better off for getting rid of things we don't use or need any
more. I realized that I had 4 irons and seldom ever iron anymore. I can
not motivate Ted but would like for him to clean out the workroom. I would
help. I had planned to put all the exercise equipment in there but no such
reply by elderjane on Jan 14, 2012 9:03 PM ()
Mike and I shredding this morning.Tons of paper from ten years ago and finally got rid of them.I liked to hear from all and you know that your one of my favorites.
Thinking of you there on Monday.
comment by fredo on Jan 14, 2012 9:30 AM ()
I have shredded a lot. I have a year or so of tax returns to shred but I am
keeping them all for seven years. Be with us in spirit on Monday. It means
a lot.
reply by elderjane on Jan 14, 2012 9:05 PM ()
Your Laura is one classy young lady!
Organizing and simplifying is my focus, too. I have to go slowly, as overdoing risks a flare-up of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, but so far so good. The results are always worth it, no matter how long it takes.
comment by marta on Jan 14, 2012 9:05 AM ()
Laura has done some modeling and if Grandma can be excused for bragging, she
is a tall, beautiful, skinny brunette. Do go slowly, you can't afford to
feel terrible again.
reply by elderjane on Jan 14, 2012 9:07 PM ()
I like to hear what's going on with people --- I find you very interesting! And Solitaire, and Fredo, and everyone!
Sara sounds responsible. That's great!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 14, 2012 8:33 AM ()
My daughter has been so successful with her girls and Bobby has with his.
Eric is autistic and Blake has not managed college as well as the girls
because he is lacking the common sense practical gene. Intellectually he
and Adrienne are our shining stars but Adrienne is practical as well.
reply by elderjane on Jan 14, 2012 9:11 PM ()

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