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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Movies and Everyday Life

Movies and Everyday Life

Last weekend Ted and I went to see The Iron Lady with Meryl
Streep. We are huge fans of hers. We thought she did a
magnificent job but the movie was too long. She morphed from
being a dynamic leader to a senile old lady and did an
incredible bit of acting. I suppose she will be again nominated and then cheated out of an Oscar. Margaret Thatcher
may have been Ronald Reagan's admired friend but she certainly
wasn't mine. I hated her politics.

I haven't had a good nights sleep in what seems like forever.
Last night, Bobby had to go to the hospital. It isn't that
serious, they let him go too soon. Ellie is totally stressed
out as in "How could he put me through this?" and they left
with his billfold and debit card and then she called home
and had Adrienne and I look for it. Turned out after she had
searched the hospital for an hour, it turned up in his pocket.
Stress can make you do the dumbest things. Adrienne was saying, "Chill Mom, Chill." They had both looked in his pockets but you know how stress can make you overlook things
that are in plain sight.

Fourteen year olds can be so rude. Bobby's stepmother kept
calling and Adrienne didn't want me to talk to her. She is
entirely too sharp tongued and I had to have a talk with her, (Adrienne) about this. I did talk to Pat at length
who would do anything to help, but Ellie won't allow her
to do this and the girls have picked up her attitude. She
is a nice person and should get some credit for wanting to
be helpful.

Thinking I had a free day yesterday, I went to the beauty
shop to get a cut and style and came out looking like
Dolly Parton in one of her bad wigs. I told her to layer
it like Paula Deene's hair and so I have a lot of short
layers that I probably won't be able to manage. In the
meantime, I have BIG hair. So sixties!

I was so sad to read Elkhound's post. It doesn't cost a
thing to be kind and caring. My grandson suffered a lot
from this because he is exceptionally bright and the other
kids didn't communicate well with him. Adrienne had some
problems with this in third grade but Middle School is
heaven for her. The parents are largely responsible for
this I think. You can't teach your kids love and tolerance
when you are bigoted and mean spirited. They pick this up
at home. They have big ears and stay tuned in when you
least expect it.

posted on Jan 18, 2012 5:18 AM ()


Have to add that my long-time friend (still in New York) has hysterics over a bad haircut, but took a rape in stride.
comment by tealstar on Jan 20, 2012 7:06 PM ()
Yes, stress does make one do inexplicable things! I had my hair cut too and I love it.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 19, 2012 5:51 PM ()
I don't love mine.
reply by elderjane on Jan 20, 2012 9:46 AM ()
Somehow, in channel flipping, I came across "Bridges of Madison Co." I had to watch it (again), just to observe Ms. Streep and Clint perform acting magic. Wonderful, although tedious. I liked the jazz music in the background!
comment by solitaire on Jan 19, 2012 6:13 AM ()
excellent movie!!
reply by blogsterella on Jan 23, 2012 12:47 PM ()
She is truly amazing.
reply by elderjane on Jan 20, 2012 9:46 AM ()
Hope Bobby's okay. Because of the way health insurance works now, people get hustled out of the hospital at the earliest possible moment, no allowance for the human factor.
comment by troutbend on Jan 18, 2012 5:32 PM ()
Bobby is very much not Ok and I will post about it. He had an infection.
reply by elderjane on Jan 20, 2012 9:47 AM ()
Believe it or not, Meryl Streep won the Golden Globe for The Iron Lady. I think she was totally shocked when they called her name, though the audience did then give her a standing ovation.We'll keep our fingers crossed for her to win the Oscar again.....FINALLY!!
comment by redimpala on Jan 18, 2012 12:09 PM ()
She deserves the Oscar. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
reply by elderjane on Jan 20, 2012 9:48 AM ()
Ah, your salon story reminds me of the time I was in 7th grade, wanted a spiral perm, and the lady gave me Annie hair. That was a rough time!!! I am glad they found the wallet - in the safest of places.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 18, 2012 7:06 AM ()
I know what you mean.
reply by elderjane on Jan 20, 2012 9:49 AM ()
Can relate to stress causing silly problems. I cut my own hair these days and over the years have gotten pretty good at it. Big hair looks awful on me. Try a new salon?
comment by tealstar on Jan 18, 2012 6:03 AM ()
I botched mine last time. Now that it has been four days it is b eginning to
look good.
reply by elderjane on Jan 20, 2012 9:50 AM ()
I too blame the parents for children turning into bullies, they learn the language from their parents. Dakota is one of those kids who everybody likes, very easygoing and friendly. I guess bullies see that as a weakness.

sorry about your haircut! I hate when a stylist does not listen to what you really want! This past summer I had taken in a picture of how i wanted my hair cut. I came out looking like a man with military haircut!
comment by elkhound on Jan 18, 2012 5:42 AM ()
I failed to take a picture. I wanted a Paula Deene look because she is so
cute. I got called Dolly Parton enough on our trip and my friend from Shreveport was called Fried Green Tomatoes.
reply by elderjane on Jan 20, 2012 9:52 AM ()

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