The hottest month is just around the corner and this summer has just fled past. I feel a little cheated because summer is one of my favorite seasons. The munchkins will be starting to school August l2. Adrienne has put in 80 hours at the science museum so I have hardly seen her. She is now an inch taller than her mother. The little fashionista
has been here a lot though. I will have to give her credit
at the age of 8 she has a remarkable instinct for flattering clothing. Adrienne just love jeans, tee shirts
and baseball caps. Perhaps she will change soon.
I had a busy morning. I went to the Commissary and bought the items I can't get at Aldi's. I was home by l5 minutes until ten and started making banana pudding and put a pork
roast in the oven. I need to get to work on the treadmill.
Thank goodness it's reproach is silent. Think of what it could say if it talked.
Rex has a new pack of Greenie bones and has been front lined
and heart wormed for this month. Does anyone know of dental
bones that aren't so expensive? The large greenies are
10.25 and that seems pretty high to me. But then, no one
ever said pets were inexpensive.
It rained last night. I really appreciate the rain because
I don't have to water at dawn.