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Southwestern Woman

Business > Keep Your Eye on the Supreme Court

Keep Your Eye on the Supreme Court

The Green family owns two corporate entities, Mardel Christian Book Store and Hobby Lobby. They have been joined
in a suit against the Affordable Health Care Act by Conestoga
Wood, a Mennonite company in Pennsylvania. The Greens and
Conestoga Wood object to emergency contraceptive mandated

These people say it is against their conscience but a Corporation is not supposed to have a conscience as has been
demonstrated many times over. If they are granted this
exception under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, then
what comes next, vaccinations, counseling, screenings for

The fundamental point of a corporation is to separate the
owners and shareholders legally from a for profit business
corporation. It protects them. By the very nature of it
being a corporation it should be unable to cite RFRA and
try to say the corporation should have a right to religious
freedom. They would indeed be forcing their religious views
on their employees. It would deprive thousands of women
employees and their covered dependents of this coverage.

Personally, I do not shop at Hobby Lobby. Ted does for
craft and jewelry items. I do not believe in their
sanctimonious image. It does not prevent them from
marketing grossly overpriced products. It is a wildly popular store in Oklahoma but one I plan to shun forever.

posted on Feb 3, 2014 9:05 AM ()


Religious zealots seem to be all around us now ... there may be more of them, or they may just be getting more press. We have to keep fighting back. What they believe is their special connection to God encourages them to impose their views on everyone else. But I don't think new generations are buying their hype.
comment by tealstar on Feb 5, 2014 10:40 AM ()
I want everyone to believe as they please but not to force their beliefs
on me. These people want to ignore the Constitution and the separation of
church and state. We are not a theocracy. grr!
reply by elderjane on Feb 5, 2014 3:45 PM ()
looks like a mob of religious fanatics at work to me hiding behind a corporation.
stick to your guns and do not shop at Hobby lobby
comment by kevinshere on Feb 4, 2014 10:46 PM ()
It is tempting when you need just the right glue or art supplies but I
walk right on past and order online.
reply by elderjane on Feb 5, 2014 5:15 AM ()
Free speech rights, now religious rights. For some reason we still call them "human" rights. I'd feel better awarding rights to a dog or cat than a corporation. Far better.
comment by drmaus on Feb 4, 2014 3:23 AM ()
This is such an abuse of the law if the Supreme Court rules positively on
their case. Sometimes I think dogs and cats are better and more honest
than most people.
reply by elderjane on Feb 4, 2014 4:42 AM ()
I am sure you are right. The employees are probably vetted as to their
religious views.
comment by elderjane on Feb 3, 2014 3:05 PM ()
Shunned Hobby Lobby, too....
comment by marta on Feb 3, 2014 11:46 AM ()
Good. Their profits are enormous .
reply by elderjane on Feb 3, 2014 3:03 PM ()
In the hiring process they probably have a way to figure out which of their prospective employees agrees with the corporate line, so they figure none of their employees wants birth control. There is a publishing company near here that asks job applicants how frequently they read the Bible. I think they claim to fall under the EEOC exemption for religious organizations. Hobby Lobby should try to get reclassified from corporation to church.
comment by troutbend on Feb 3, 2014 10:33 AM ()
oops, reply above.
reply by elderjane on Feb 3, 2014 3:06 PM ()

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