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Southwestern Woman

Health & Fitness > Weight Loss > An Endless Trip

An Endless Trip

Every day we get up and take a twenty mile trip to Edmond to
get Ted's back worked over by the Chiropractor. This will
continue every day but 5 until we go on vacation. At last
he is getting some relief. Yesterday, he actually felt like
fixing a few things that needed doing around the house and
going outside and taking a few pictures.

Now that we have had some rain, Rex is continuing with his
giant excavation in the back yard. I have to wash his paws
before he can come in.

I walked an extra long time yesterday and my neighbor stopped
and asked me if he could take me someplace. I told him that
I was walking for the pure joy of it. He and his wife are
back together and she has gone to work which will be very
good for her. She was a constant baby sitter and couldn't
seem to say no.

Did I tell you that I took a bad fall in the bathroom? I did
get a magnificent purple shiner and not one soul has asked
me how it happened. I masked it with lavender eye shadow
as well as possible.

I am overwhelmed with chickens. Ceramic and tin. I had
one tin rooster in the pass through to the family room and
all of a sudden I have a whole flock. My kitchen is so and white that they perk it up a little.

Phyllis put her foot down and said not one more thing
comes into this house until a lot of it goes out. She and
Renee are having a giant garage sale and I put a few things
in it.

That is all that's going on around here.

posted on Oct 14, 2011 5:06 AM ()


Rex sounds like a dog with a mission. Glad Ted is getting some relief. You found the right therapy for him.
comment by tealstar on Oct 15, 2011 7:18 AM ()
A couple of years ago Mr. Tbend's mama fell down on the side walk, and had a huge lump on her cheekbone for months - sticking out an inch and a half - plus lots of bruising. They were coming up here and one of the family members called to warn us about it so we wouldn't be so shocked, and good thing they did!
comment by troutbend on Oct 14, 2011 1:26 PM ()
The funniest thing is that no one has commented on it. I'll bet they wonder
how Ted had the strength to do it.
reply by elderjane on Oct 15, 2011 5:26 AM ()
DH has a massage once or twice a month to help with his stress level.
Either you masked it well or they were afraid you'd say Ted did it.
My mom tripped over some uneven pavement and scrapped up her knuckles a few weeks ago. She was given a tetnus shot which she was allergic to and is only now beginning to feel better.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 14, 2011 10:52 AM ()
Ted no longer has the excruciating nerve pain. He still hurts and he is
weak from all those months he could barely walk. Sorry about your Mom.
reply by elderjane on Oct 15, 2011 5:28 AM ()
Never had much faith in chiropractors myself; but if it is helping, I'm glad. That's what I had about dogs. They love to dig!
comment by redimpala on Oct 14, 2011 10:51 AM ()
They have certainly helped Ted because they have move the bone off of his
nerves that was causing the excruciating pain. Dogs do love to dig and
big dogs especially love it.
reply by elderjane on Oct 15, 2011 5:30 AM ()
I had very good luck with chiropractor.Been going to him for years and he keeps me active,without him I be lost.They know what they are doing and they are not quacks.Very interesting in learning the function of the spine and others.He took an x ray and you can see the improvements over the years.For me it worked and still playing tennis.How cool is that.
comment by fredo on Oct 14, 2011 9:07 AM ()
Yes, power to them. It really works and I wish that we had known that
before Ted got so bad. I think he could have avoided a lot of his pain.
reply by elderjane on Oct 15, 2011 5:32 AM ()
Some people swear by chiropractors, but I'm not one of them. Glad you're walking a lot. It's good physically and mentally. Endorphins kick in!
comment by solitaire on Oct 14, 2011 6:32 AM ()
a lot of misinformation about chiropractors was put out there by the AMA years ago -- they didn't want the competition. They can't do everything but what they can do, they do very well indeed.
reply by tealstar on Oct 15, 2011 7:17 AM ()
I am all for this chiropractor because he has had a major effect on Ted's
back pain. He is now walking without his cane.
reply by elderjane on Oct 15, 2011 5:35 AM ()
I learned my lesson about Chiropractors when I was in my 20s. Couldn't go to work one day; laid in the back seat of my neighbor's car for a ride to the chiropractor. The jerk cranked up the middle of a table for 15 minutes then told me to go home and go to bed for three days, then return. That wasn't going to happen so I went to a real doctor. Found out years later that chiropractic is based on unsound principles. But they keep you coming back.
I can almost picture Rex's big dig! Maybe he's telling you that he'd like a few ducks!
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 14, 2011 6:09 AM ()
You must have had a very bad experience. Rex has so little to satisfy his
doggy impulses that we are just letting him have his hole. He catches
a squirrel now and then and I wash his paws before he gets to come in.
reply by elderjane on Oct 15, 2011 5:38 AM ()

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