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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > Encounters of the Worst Kind

Encounters of the Worst Kind

Rex hurriedly came in this morning from his morning duties.
The smell accompanied him. He somehow found a black and white striped kitty and it did it's worst.

I have been spraying the house all morning and he keeps wiping his nose on the carpet. I can only hope that the
yappy little dogs next door got a dose of it too to punish
them for their incessant barking.

I have been busy this morning shopping for produce at
Aldi's and getting help from the DAV for the purpose
of filling out forms. All I can say is that the assistant
was dumb as a post and I could do better by myself.

I keep wondering if that skunk may have been rabid,
since they are usually nocturnal and solitary. I am not
worried because all Rex's shots are up to date.

I have given up facebook. It isn't worth the enormous
amount of time it takes up. I would rather spend it
reading and blogging with all of you.

posted on June 12, 2013 9:43 AM ()


Black and white kitty?
I tried FB- did not like it, then started using it again to see photos of my grandsons. My son does not send me pictures. He says if I want to see photos my grandsons, then I can look at them on FB. Now, I know my way around better.
comment by dragonflyby on June 14, 2013 4:18 PM ()
good idea and hope that this turned out ugly for them or you.Be careful and alert.
comment by fredo on June 14, 2013 1:21 PM ()
Sorry to hear Facebook didn't pan out, at least ya tried! I feel for you guys and Rex.., but the black and white kitty comment made me
comment by kristilyn3 on June 14, 2013 12:34 AM ()
Rex will never learn to avoid those kitties. This is his second encounter.
reply by elderjane on June 14, 2013 12:28 PM ()
As I said that last time.You can report this to the SPCA on the ruling of things.
Just a thought.
comment by fredo on June 13, 2013 9:53 AM ()
I know. The little dogs belong to the neighbors grandchildren. They are definitely not treated like family members.
reply by elderjane on June 14, 2013 12:29 PM ()
You were fortunate. When Benny took a hit a few years ago I didn't have anything to work with and by the time a bought a product at the vet's in the morning it was too late. I have a DIY recipe for peroxide, dish liquid and baking soda. The ingredients are labeled on a shelf in the bathroom, but we haven't had to use them!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 13, 2013 6:02 AM ()
Baking soda is a good deodorant. I use it a lot.
reply by elderjane on June 14, 2013 12:30 PM ()
Time for the tomato juice bath? Poor doggie.
comment by drmaus on June 12, 2013 12:49 PM ()
Yes, and I have to confess that I put deodorant on top of his head...It worked.
reply by elderjane on June 13, 2013 5:00 AM ()
There must be something out there that is effective. Check with your vet. Meanwhile, I keep Facebook and use it to look up old friends -- sometimes I find them -- then we switch to E mail. And I use it to look up right wing a..h...s and post on their pages my pithy analysis of their positions and omissions. I love that within minutes of watching them mouth off on TV, I can jump into Facebook and tell them off.
comment by tealstar on June 12, 2013 12:02 PM ()
Tomato juice is the most effective. The top of the head was the worst but
a stick deodorant fixed that.
reply by elderjane on June 13, 2013 5:01 AM ()
I'll just bet those dogs next door escaped unscathed - it's some kind of Murphy's Law. Good luck with the smell, hope it dissipates quickly.
comment by troutbend on June 12, 2013 10:38 AM ()
How did you guess? Those little varmints escaped the smell.
reply by elderjane on June 13, 2013 5:03 AM ()
Poor Rex,did he get it on his body.Need a bath.There are many procedure to this.
Ask your vet on this and what they recommend.Rabies,did he get bid my this?something to ponder about.The yapping dogs.Too bad that you can do something about this.
I know it is a neighbors there and need to keep peace with them?
comment by fredo on June 12, 2013 10:35 AM ()
Rex is not very smelly anymore. You know those little dogs need someone to play with them but they are shut in the yard rain or shine. Those neighbors are not sensitive to say the least.
reply by elderjane on June 13, 2013 5:05 AM ()
Poor Rex. Poor you. I've never had the occasion to test my theory but would a spray for pet urine odor be helpful?
comment by nittineedles on June 12, 2013 10:25 AM ()
I am calling animal control today because the odor just lingers in the backyard and I suspect he might be living nearby. Rex wasn't bitten.
reply by elderjane on June 13, 2013 5:07 AM ()
Ugh... probably too late for spraying anything. I might be a long six weeks depending on how efficient your olfactory senses still are.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 12, 2013 9:50 AM ()
I have Rex and the house pretty well free of smell but the backyard smells
skunky. I think he may be under the garden shed.
reply by elderjane on June 13, 2013 5:09 AM ()

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