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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Every Day Stuff

Every Day Stuff

Ashley's birthday party is today and I made cupcakes and
took them over for her to apply cotton candy icing. She looks
forward to such anticipation to her party every year. They
do things eleven year olds find smashing
cup cakes into each other's faces and hiding from the boy's
who attend.

The new Italian place has the most addictive pizza. The
great thing is that it is as good re-heated as fresh. I think
it must have something to do with the quality of the olive oil. I am hoping it is able to stay open, it hasn't caught
on yet. When we get Ted fixed up, then I am hoping Fredo
and Mike can visit and we can take them there to atone for
the miserable Italian restaurant we went to when they were
here before.

We did the emergency room thing again last night and it
was even more miserable than the night before. I was so
tired that I went to bed about nine thirty and didn't wake
up until fifteen until nine this morning. It was a heavenly

I got all my plants that would freeze re-potted and in
the garage. Hopefully, they will survive. I put them out
on warm sunny days. I have one green groundcover that is
beautiful. It has pink edges and looks like it is artificial and has little tubers on the roots. Does anyone
know what it might be?

Cold weather is coming soon.

posted on Nov 10, 2012 10:13 AM ()


haven't had a really good pizza since I left Ra-cha-cha. my best reguards to Ted. I've been there, my friend.

yer faithful pal
comment by honeybugg on Nov 14, 2012 2:46 AM ()
We are addicted to that Italian place's pizza. It is going to be a Friday
night thing. Missed you Ms. Bugg.
reply by elderjane on Nov 14, 2012 6:20 PM ()
Cold weather is on it's way... most of my plants died, but I brought two in that were surviving still! I am terrible with plants. I am sorry you were back at the ER but YAY good sleep! I am sure your body thanked you for that.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 12, 2012 12:08 PM ()
I hate cold weather. I rescued a few but a number have frozen.
reply by elderjane on Nov 14, 2012 6:21 PM ()
Hope the ER visits wind down soon. Tell Ted we're rooting for him.

P.S. I have never hidden from a boy in my life.
comment by tealstar on Nov 10, 2012 8:36 PM ()
Not even when you were eleven?
reply by elderjane on Nov 11, 2012 5:06 AM ()
Now I'm so hungry for good pizza, I can barely stand it. It'll pass in a minute if I sit real still.
comment by troutbend on Nov 10, 2012 2:12 PM ()
This was so flavorful and so filling. It is going to be a Friday tradition.
reply by elderjane on Nov 10, 2012 5:43 PM ()
There is a woman in our neighborhood made us six jumbo cupcake with butter cream frosting.
We are having an early birthday dinner for our new neighbor next door.Who is going to be fifty on the 17th.Though she will not be here as she is celebrating with her family in Buffalo,NY.
This is and yes not lying my first encounter with a cup cake and I am elated about this.
It looks yummy and putting one candle in each.How about that.
comment by fredo on Nov 10, 2012 1:21 PM ()
Jumbo cup cakes sound wonderful. They should be festive with a candle
in each one.
reply by elderjane on Nov 10, 2012 5:45 PM ()
Cotton Candy icing? You're gonna have to share what that's all about. I love pizza any which way. I'm weird like that.
comment by maggiemae on Nov 10, 2012 12:54 PM ()
I imagine the cotton candy icing comes in a can, otherwise my DIL would not
be icing the cup cakes. I am relieved that she didn't want red velvet again
this year. It is so messy.
reply by elderjane on Nov 10, 2012 5:47 PM ()
I haven't met a pizza that didn't taste good reheated. I crank the oven up past 500 and put the cookie sheet in. Then put the pizza on the hot cookie sheet 10 minutes later. Always comes out crisp on the bottom! Ugh.. it's almost dinner time... but there's no pizza around... Now I want pizza instead of burgers ans fries!
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 10, 2012 12:40 PM ()
This pizza is unbelievably good and filling. The first time we got meat
lovers pizza that had canadian bacon, Italian sausage, hamburger and pepperoni. It was a little much so this time we got mushroom and pepperoni
with double cheese.
reply by elderjane on Nov 10, 2012 5:49 PM ()
Sorry about your long night in the ER. Pizza that is as good reheated as it is fresh truly is great pizza~!
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 10, 2012 10:32 AM ()
I guess it could have been even longer. This time there wasn't anyone telling funny stories and my book was slow to get started. I kept wanting
to go outside and walk but it was not in the safest part of town.
reply by elderjane on Nov 10, 2012 5:52 PM ()

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