We only had one appointment today and a trip to Shawnee to
pick up Ted's medicine. My insurance company made me an
appointment to get my eyes checked for glaucoma. I liked
the doctor and he was so complimentary about the opthomologist
that had done my cataract surgery. He said she did a perfect job with perfect results.
It had been five years since I
had my eyes checked and it was an utter waste of time.
We stopped in Shawnee to eat lunch at Abuletos. I had chili
rellinos with sour cream sauce and they were wonderfully
spicy and good.
Yesterday, Ted had 4 appointments from 7:45 until 2:30.
We could just barely make it to the next one since one was
far northwest and the others in mid town. We managed to
grab a cinnamon roll and coffee at lunch time It was an
extremely tiring day.
I am starting to think of thanksgiving and figuring out what
to cook for our family reunion. I made two pecan pies and
froze them and I may try a pumpkin roll. I am baking a ham
and a turkey breast. My sister is doing turkey and stuffing. Our children are bringing side dishes. Linda
and her family are not coming because Sara's husband is not
up to it. He is recovering from very painful surgery on his