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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > A New Beginning

A New Beginning

I have always loved the New Year. It signifies a new
beginning for all of us and is like a clean, white sheet
of paper on which we can start a new story.

Ted and I are planning to travel as much as possible while
he is still able to do the bus tours and we are looking
for a cruise now.

Bobby's Memorial Service was a lovely blend of the sacred
and secular. Jeremy officiated and did a beautiful job.
His friends spoke of their love for him and we had a
symbolic dove release at the close of the ceremony. I
was so very pleased. Bobby had put the music he wanted
on flash drive. Ellie and the girls are going to Europe
after school is out and scatter his ashes in Paris. We
chose donation to the O.U. children's hospital in lieu
of flowers, although I received some beautiful plants
and there were flowers in his favorite red and white.

Last night, Ted and I watched the orange bowl. I felt
that I couldn't lose because Clemson is the only other
team I like to watch. When O.U. scored first, I told
Ted that Clemson was a come from behind team and O.U.
should watch it because they did not have that tiger by
the tail. I have seen Clemson make some magical saves.
Ted was enraged but I am not terribly disappointed.

I want to thank all of you for your loving expressions
of sympathy, here and on facebook. It has meant so much
to me. Jeremy was a rock as were our friends.

posted on Jan 1, 2016 6:19 AM ()


Losing a child is so terribly painful. I am so deeply sorry for your loss.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 3, 2016 10:58 AM ()
I checked the website and left a comment there.As you know Mike and I express our condolences.
We only met him once while he was at your house working on the computer
comment by fredo on Jan 1, 2016 2:25 PM ()

If there was anyone loved, it was your son, clearly. You’re a dear and I’m so sorry for your loss and hurt. When I lost my brother, a couple of memories I had of him acting really goofy and funny helped a lot. Also photos of him laughing. Right after his death, my closest friend went and got me a domain name, mybrothermichael dot com, since domains are our thing. Haven’t used it yet but keep renewing it. I hope your girls bring back some beautiful pictures of Paris and where they release the ashes. Special landscapes are comforting to look out on and think how we’re all a bit of the world.
comment by drmaus on Jan 1, 2016 2:07 PM ()
Christmas will never be the same again for you folks, that is sad. I'm assuming Ellie checked (or will check) on taking ashes through the airport and through customs on both sides. My buddy is supposed to take his M-I-Ls ashes to Canada and technically it is illegal. I never looked at new years as anything bout another day since each day is a new beginning, but if it works for you, have at it!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 1, 2016 12:29 PM ()
So right John. My sister and I took down our trees on Christmas day.
It will never be magic for us again.
reply by elderjane on Jan 1, 2016 12:36 PM ()
The end of a long, painful journey, a return to some kind of normalcy without the constant pain ... a way to go forward, with loving memories. I am happy Jeremy helped you through this. He is a loving person to have around. Yes, a new year, another beginning.
comment by tealstar on Jan 1, 2016 8:29 AM ()
You know all about grief and it's ills. I feel like my brain is peanut
butter. Poor Rex, he felt totally rejected as a houseful of people in
black urged him away from their black clothing. He thought we didn't
love him anymore.
reply by elderjane on Jan 1, 2016 12:41 PM ()
Your trips sound like they will be fun, I hope it helps take your mind off things. and Doves!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 1, 2016 7:20 AM ()
The dove ceremony was beautiful. The family held a white dove and
released it as a symbol of his spirit's release, to the tune of
Amazing grace. Our life must find a new focus. I feel the sorriest
for Bobby's stepmother. Her children don't love her as they should and
she is going through a divorce. She truly loved Bobby and he loved her.
reply by elderjane on Jan 1, 2016 12:47 PM ()

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