Rex is such a good dog who lives to please but this
morning I was awakened by noises any mother, (pet or otherwise) knows. He was heaving up last night's
dinner. Mind you, not in one spot ,but in four.
Cleaning up is not a task that I relish. He had gotten
in the bathroom waste basket last night and evidently
ingested something he shouldn't have. To top it all off,
when I opened the back door to let him in, there was an
order of eau de skunk. It was my good fortune that the skunk missed him and branded some other poor creature.
Speaking of wild life, we have a lot of skunks and
squirrels in the neighborhood. There is an abundance of
pecan trees and vegetation for them to dine on. I have
grown to loathe squirrels for the mess they make raiding
the pecan tree before the pecans are ready. I know that
they are cute but they cause so much havoc.
I will be watching Rex all day to see if we need to
make a visit to the vet. Keep your fingers crossed for