Nic G


Nic G
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Welcome To The Dollhouse

Life & Events > Boring > To Those of You Who Wonder ... ... .

To Those of You Who Wonder ... ... .

This post was originally going to be yet another update/excuse on why I am not posting here with any consistency right now. *working 2 jobs, school, motherhood* but then I realized that it wasn't because of lack of time, but rather lack of subject. I write mostly about my observations about everything from Karma to commercials so really you would think that nothing would ever really run out for me. I am not a political writer, but I will touch on what effects certain things have on my life.

Then it hit me. Right now I have a lack of wonder in my life. You can call it what you will, writer's block etc... but it really comes down to a simple lack of wonder. Truthfully I cannot say that I am surprised. I get up, go sit at a desk and analyze data about peoples habits, I leave from there and sell to people that have too much money to send on silly things, I go home and watch the same formulaic shows on TV if I don't have a good book to read. Really what do I have to wonder about.

I try to think about my son, he is a smart witty young man, but even then I fall flat. He is studying and achieving these great things and I feel proud, but wonderment. No. I am becoming relatively proficient at work, but that's only because my routine doesn't vary. What am I missing that I so rarely have a problem finding.

Maybe it's because the curiosity on who is going to become then next leader of your country is over. Or because I already have my Christmas shopping done so I don't need to strive for the perfect gift. Or because my landmark birthday was last year and this year was something I didn't even notice. Possibly because I am in a good enough spot that I am not stressing over bills and how to make one gallon of gas last 2 days.

So ok maybe I need to take back what I said. Here I am wondering about why I can find anything to wonder about. I feel like a dog chasing her tail, then being amazed that it hurts when I bite it. I'm not sure that this is progress, but it's something isn't it?

posted on Nov 18, 2008 10:54 AM ()


Even if you blog about something routine, it's new to your blog buddies. I sometimes treat my blog as an online journal, kind of moving through the day or week or whatever I've done since the last blog. The "wonder" of things can sometimes be found in the ordinary. The real "wonder" is that you are alive and wake each morning anew to either go about your routine or be surprised by something! So have a "wonder"-ful day/week/year!
comment by november on Nov 24, 2008 10:12 AM ()
Too many things going on these days! I had to read something 4 times today to find out what it was about because my mind kept wandering!
comment by sunlight on Nov 22, 2008 8:19 PM ()
I think it's called "routine" and we all fall prey to it at times. Though, I think some folks enjoy their routines and feel anxious when it is disrupted. I like balance and a little "shake up" in my daily routines. Keeps me awake ya know?
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 19, 2008 8:36 AM ()
Just proves my point "The hottest women" are always crazy!!! That's ok, we men like you that way (kinda.. lol.). Come in and write some more.. certain we'll all want to hear "whatever" you observe. Blogs are personal opinions... when your opinions are heard.. someone has an opinion to it (good or bad).. it's a better communication tool.. they even "face to face"..

comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 6:58 PM ()
I go through periods where I have trouble coming up with something to talk about, too. You seem to have come up wiht a pretty good post, all the same.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 18, 2008 12:03 PM ()

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