Nic G


Nic G
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Welcome To The Dollhouse

Life & Events > Magic


My son has discovered magic. Not the fantastics of harry potter and his ilk, but the cheep carny kind. He has just spent his hard earned money on magic tricks fromthe local hobby shop, and spent the better part of an hour making a red plastic ball dissapear with fluidity. This was a trial in it's self.

First he opens the box which promises "Over 15 Fantastic Magic Tricks"
It's a small box, so I am doubtful but with the wonderful thing of willful suspension of disbelief we proceed.

Second, We get the instructions. Dom, wanting this so be as mysterious as possible, takes the instructions into the living room as I do the dishes. As he deciphers the first trick he barrels into the kitchen. "mom, mom." he cries still buzzing from the dessert brownie. "Wanna see how I can make a ball disappear?"
I nod my assent and continue to wash while he prepares. He holds up the small ridges blue plastic vase and opens it with a flourish. Deftly plucks out the red ball inside and holds it aloft. "Here I have a normal ball" he says and places it into his pocket. "now I put the ball into my pocket and put the lid back on the vase" he states as he does exactly that. He waves his left hand around the top saying " Now I will make the ball reappear" and whips the top off to reveal the little plastic half ball insert which promptly sticks to his fingers and comes off with the top, destroying all mystery.

This does not discourage the little guy and we, together now practice more tricks to astound and amaze Dave. First the water trick and then the disappearing ring. Finally the time comes to do the disappearing ball again, but where is the ball? Remembering the sticking half ball fiasco we search the kitchen. He is crashing hard now from the sugar and is starting to get hysterical. We search everywhere barring under the fridge. No ball. He is freaking out, so I send him to the bathroom to brush, and calm down a bit.

After he goes into the bathroom it hits me. I know where the ball is.
I open the bathroom door on to my sobbing and heartbroken child. I ask him to put his hand into his pocket. when he does he lets out a full on giggle and withdraws....the red ball.

Mom's magic

posted on June 6, 2008 2:28 PM ()


Welcome to MyBloggers!
I had a similar magic set when I was your son's age. Kept me occupied for hours and probably drove my poor mom crazy.
comment by mattguru18 on June 10, 2008 1:08 PM ()
comment by ducky on June 7, 2008 6:25 AM ()
Welcome--wonderful post of the remainders of childhood and the mystical magic of motherhood.
comment by angiedw on June 7, 2008 3:36 AM ()
Welcome! Enjoyed the story of son's magic tricks. All kids seem to want to be magicians at some point in their youth.
comment by redimpala on June 6, 2008 7:54 PM ()
comment by strider333 on June 6, 2008 3:36 PM ()
Welcome to MyBloggers.
Aren't kids great? Well, other peoples kids as mine all grew up and moved out. Woo Hoo! mean.....Aren't kids great?
comment by nittineedles on June 6, 2008 2:51 PM ()

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