Nic G


Nic G
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Life & Events > Hating Hershey and Hunting Houses

Hating Hershey and Hunting Houses

Ahhhh alliteration how I love you so.

Lately I have been knee deep in a chocolate bar war. Trust me that is not as fun or as dirty as it sounds. As some of you know I am a programmer for a coupon company, and recently I was promoted into a management position. Like Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker though, "With great power, comes great responsibility." For the last few weeks I have been dealing with some client of mine, you may have heard of them....Hershey and Nestle. They make wonderful chocolate among other yummy things, and apparently they do not like to share their customers. I have there are currently several Nestle programs running in illustrious grocery stores across the country, both coupons and star wars movie tkt promotions. This is all well and good. However, Hershey, knowing that summer is coming and people are going to start going camping with the scouts and fun stuff like that decided that S'Mores were a good way to kick off the season. Most people would not think that this was odd or that there would be a huge amount of contention between the two. I mean, people eat nestle at the movies...sure OK. People usually put Hershey on their smores for that smooth non-crunchy chocolate....well OK yeah. To put it bluntly I don't care either way, but that is usually the case.

Unfortunately these goodies supplying giants don't agree with me. There is actually a category called CANDY-Chocolate Packaged. and this particular category is owned this month by Nestle. All this means is if you buy stuff that would give you a coupon for Nestle or the Nestle goodies movie Star Wars you get their coupon. If you also buy the Hershey stuff you cannot get their coupon at the same time. Silly right-that's advertising. So I had to find a way to trick all the coupon printers at the register of all the grocery stores across the country to only print the Hershey stuff if Nestle stuff was not bought. And If it was and the Hershey stuff printed too, I would have cost the company upwards of several million dollars in craziness. ( yes that is how much Nestle is paying us to make sure they have no competition) SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is one of the reasons that I have not posted much in the a while

Another reason is again linked to this supposed "wonderful opportunity" that was my promotion. I decided to embrace my inner capitalist and try and buy a house. Taking advantage of the crappy home sellers market I was able to find a big rambling ranch style house with a pool, multiple fruit trees and a grape arbor. YAY- I am just waiting for the sellers bank to say that I offered her enough money for it. ( It was getting ready for foreclosure so I am trying to get a REALLY good deal on it-keep your fingers crossed) While this house was great I am certain that it was not the first place that I looked at.

There was the one that the people living in the house (renters) foreclosure;t have a key to the Master bedroom. In fact it had been locked since they moved in 2 years before and the owner just stops buy occasionally to put things in it or take things out. (see: Heads in Freezer) There was the one that had 6 bedrooms and 2 baths but was less than 900 SF. ( each bedroom was smaller than my closet right now and I don't even have a walk in. There was the house that had dog stops doo all over the rugs in ALL the bedrooms( and people were still living there) Or best yet the one that I swear to god had a sweat shop being ran out of my Realtor was showing it. That one was the best. There were about 15 Cuban women hunched over sewing machines and every time we went into a room I head people being moved to one that we just vacated and the door being (audibly) locked behind them. LOL scary, but at least I had an adventure.

So with all this nonsense going on I have not a moment to write until today so excuse me for being neglectful of my blog family!

Anyway even if this all is the case you all know I'm nothing but a slacker

posted on June 25, 2009 1:10 PM ()

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