Nic G


Nic G
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Politics & Legal > And the Wolrd Turns

And the Wolrd Turns

I know there are quite a few people that support McCain. I also know that in his speech last night he was nothing but a gracious and smart man. I think had that man shown his face more during the campaign we might have had a different president elect, or at least a closer race. But the fact remains that we have a democratic process and there was an entire country needing to hear something other than slander and fear mongering. Both candidates have not made such a mud slinging campaign since the 1800's. I am glad Obama has won, but I would have liked a cleaner race based on what each candidate planned to do instead of the "he did this, he said this, he was friends with this guy" crap that I have been watching for the past 22 months. Sadly this is, more than likely most historical election in my life, all I can say is I feel relief that it's over and I can stop hearing the fear and BS that saturated my TV. I hope that everything will get better soon in our country, but I know we have at least 2 years of digging ourselves out of the hole we voted ourselves into 8 years ago. And I know that no matter what happens that this is the dawn of a new era

posted on Nov 5, 2008 6:57 AM ()


I fear for the next 4 years a great deal.
comment by oombutu on Dec 2, 2008 5:56 PM ()
I voted "Obama". But I never doubted "McCains" morals. I think he is a decent guy, but maybe "out of touch" with today's society. Out of touch with the "real working" people. I'm just glad we had one election, where I didn't "hate" either candidate. I just felt "Obama" best. Take care sweetie, gary
comment by coincutter on Nov 12, 2008 2:41 PM ()
I too am glad this election is over!
I have never done so much soul searching during an election in my life! For the longest time, I was on the fence as to for whom I was going to vote.
I believe that Mr. McCain is an honorable and good man. However, after the Republican Convention, his campaign turned into an attack on the opposition instead of a pulpit for what he was going to do for the country. Couple that with the fact that I could NEVER see myself voting for his VP selection, Caribou Barbie, and my vote went firmly for Mr. Obama.
comment by hayduke on Nov 11, 2008 9:47 AM ()
You said it.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 5, 2008 2:32 PM ()
It would have been much nicer if our candidates could campaign with respect.
I think McCain would have done better if he had performed in the election like he did with his speech last night.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 5, 2008 12:27 PM ()
Amen to everything you said.
comment by mrsstu on Nov 5, 2008 7:07 AM ()

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