Nic G


Nic G
Tampa, FL
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Parenting & Family > Less Successful, Have Removed Head Instead of Feet

Less Successful, Have Removed Head Instead of Feet

The title of this blog was supposed to be

the operation was less then successful, have removed head instead of

unfortunatly we are limited in our number of letters and spaces that we have to utilize *sad*
this is the reason I haven't written much in the past week.  Vacation happens!
Well I didn't get to update as soon as I had thought. To date we have
done sea world, as I had mentioned before, and since then, Islands of
adventure and Wet n' Wild water park. The entire lower half of my body
decided my head was to blame and performed a lobotomy of sorts. I swear
to you I am sitting and typing this headless, which is why the spelling
might leave something to be desired. To begin, after I conquered the
trickle of water in the shower long enough to wet my entire body into
some semblence of clenliness Dom Dave and I set off for islands of
Adventure...kind of a Universal Studios bastard child amusement park.
First thing on the agenda...after force committing to memory the
actual place we parked to avoid the chaos of yesterday, we tried..what
else, but another coaster. This was the Incredible Hulk coaster. Like
most there was extended periods of feeling like a loan sock in a spin
cycle, but after the nausea passed it was quite a bit of fun. The
cool thing about this theme park are the different "islands" that you go
through. The first one with the Hulk, Spider man, and Dr. Doom rides was
of course the Marvel sections....and yes they did have a comic book
store *insert choirs of angels singing* Next on the list was the
Jurassic Park section. Got to have the crap scared out of me on a
rapids ride, and see a baby raptor hatch. Very cool effects and the boy
was almost convinced that Dinos were real. More cool attractions and
lots of foot pain later we arrived at the car. No problem finding that
ride this time. However, the problem lay in actually navigating the car
back to said hotel......wrong way on i-4..need I say more.

well I'm off again to Universal, I have borrowed a mannequin head,
and am flopping around on the bloody stumps of my feet. God I need a
vacation from my vacation.

More tomorrow Guys!!!

posted on Aug 16, 2008 6:22 AM ()


Ahhhhhh.... the joys of summer.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 19, 2008 11:58 AM ()
OOooh! Sounds like so much fun!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 16, 2008 12:31 PM ()
First someone let it out on their post that there was no "real" Santa.Now your telling me the Dinos aren't real.I have to start growing up and face the real world.The real world is scarey........Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 16, 2008 10:09 AM ()
Sounds like you're having a ball! I love your simile of the lone sock! VERY descriptive and VERY FUNNY!
By the way, I haven't forgotten my promise about editing your long story. As soon as I find some time to myself..
comment by hayduke on Aug 16, 2008 9:04 AM ()
comment by redimpala on Aug 16, 2008 7:37 AM ()
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 16, 2008 7:25 AM ()

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