Nic G


Nic G
Tampa, FL
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Parenting & Family > If I Cut My Feet off Now and Keep Them in My Purse

If I Cut My Feet off Now and Keep Them in My Purse

If I cut my feet off now and keep them in my purse, do you think anyone would notice

It's not that I don't like walking, I do. And it's not that I don't find Theme parks awesome, I love 'em, but after hoofing it around Islands of Adventure and Seaworld over the last two days I believe that my legs from the knee down are ready to commit mutiny on the rest of my boy. OK maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration. Really it is just a longing in me to have force choke like Darth Vader (or that whiny bitch Anakin) just this once. So after Driving for a few hours to Orlando we check in to the hotel, drop our crap and drive to seaworld. Dom is so excited about going....and sugared up from the 3 sodas he managed to sneak on the drive up, that he could have pulled the car. Thus saving on gas I briefly considered the idea, but ultimately rejected it when, like the dog, he would be distracted my a squirrel and run headlong into a fence. So we arrive at Seaworld first, and within seconds of parking manage to forget where we parked. A fun time was to be had from this later in the day! We proceed to the biggest Coaster there, the Kraken. Tons of fun yes, and I screamed myself horse, but a girl my age can only hang upsidedown at a gazilion miles an hour so many times before the charm wears a bit thin. At a walking pace of about light speed we travel around the park....... what will happen tomorrow, Will I successfully remove my feet. Will the boy eat his way through the wall in the hotel room in anticipation, will I find a comic book store within navigational distance. Tune in tomorrow. Same Nic time, same Nic channel

posted on Aug 17, 2008 2:06 PM ()


Nici, what have you been eating lately? I haven't been here for a bit, but for 3 articles in a row -- I looked at the one before this one because of Laurie's comment -- you have mentioned detached body parts! Ummm, Stewie... he's not here because he's attached to the other place?? (Just kidding!)
comment by sunlight on Aug 17, 2008 11:03 PM ()
Yesterday you wanted your head off and now today your feet.I think we like you in one piece.Glad to hear you are having fun.Just stay away from sharp objects please. Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 17, 2008 7:10 PM ()
That is the interesting thing about those places. They are loads of fun, but you work your butt off so you can see/do everything you can in the short time you are there.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 17, 2008 2:49 PM ()

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