Nic G


Nic G
Tampa, FL
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Life & Events > Dear God He’s Got a Head in His Basket

Dear God He’s Got a Head in His Basket

Yes here I am again faithful readers, though few and far between. I missed writing for all of you but here I am again with some witty and occasionally pithy statements that have sprung from my forehead like Rudra from Brahma's. (or Athena from Zeus for the beginners)

I was at the grocery store this morning after spending a wonderful and relaxing day yesterday in the pool and at the beach. As I was standing in line I realized that while I am a people watcher I tend to be a bit antisocial. The same happens to quite a few people, at least in the checkout line on a Sunday morning. Now if I am out buying shoes(which I am known to do on occasion) or clothes (again a somewhat common occurrence) I talk to the people in line. When I am schlepping my ass around Ross I cluck with all the other hens about the shirt I like or weather bright orange would make my skin look sallow and jaundice (oh believe me it does!). But in the grocery store I focus in on my things, I talk to myself in the dogfood isle or feel the ripe fruit. I carress the veggies to feel the scent of them, and squish me some fresh bread. I mutter through coupons and chitter when I am unloading my basket in the order that is really only known by me. If I have a shopping buddy we may converse or play a little grab ass in the store, but as far as other shoppers, as long as they stay the f^(k out of my way I don't notice them.

Now the checkout line is an entirely different matter. The slighly smarter sibling of Forrest Gump, while trying to figure out what kind of pears I just purchased, mumbles something about how yummy my water is, and the bagboy (girl...gotta be PC here) struggles with the fact that I said it was unneccessary to bag my milk. And after rescueing my bread from the bottom of a can food bag I pay and stumble into the sunlight. But at the verey least there, there is a semblance of verbal communication. What is it then that makes the Grocery Store, the Supermarket, if you will, this ......becon of shoppers solitude?

Is it the super multipack of tampons and the lifetime supply of cadbury chocolate in the womans cart that makes me shy away from talking to her? Or the guy that's so fat he needs a moterized cart to haul his orca sized butt from the frozen waffles to the economy sized tub of mayo? Or is it just the intimacy of looking into peoples lives as they shop. For what really is more intimate than the things you dien to put into your body? Sure clothing can be intimate, but someone will see you in most of it, but food. This is what sustains your life. This is what your family laughs,cries,fights, and loves over. And who am I to judge what's in your basket. The problem is I do, we all do. We glance into the basket with tang and a years supply of adult diapers and think Lisa Nowak. Or at the 50 hungry man dinners and 12 pack of beer and feel pity for the poor divorced guy.

I have gotten off track though, maybe it is not antisociality that I have a problem with, it's just being intimate with so many people all at once makes me feel like a slut.

Either way it's 1am and I am pondering about society's behaviour while shopping for food. I am going to bed now, but I will leave you with this though.

Who's looking into your basket, and do you feel comfortable about what they see?

posted on Aug 17, 2008 10:48 PM ()


I'm 43 years old and still shoving the box of tampons underneath something to hide it,
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 19, 2008 12:06 PM ()
I never realized before how grocery shopping can be such a varied, complicated and interesting experience! Being male, I usually "target shop", even in the grocery stores. I usually swoop into the place, zero in on the pre-selected items like a Komakazi pilot, and then blast out of there before anybody really has a change to notice me.
comment by hayduke on Aug 19, 2008 10:03 AM ()
They say garbage men know alot about you too,just by what you throw out.You better double bag your garbage.I talk to people everywhere I go.I mostly attract weirdos.I wonder what that means.
comment by dogsalot on Aug 18, 2008 5:58 PM ()
WOW!! Your so right about food being more intimate. Mahalo for the eye-opener
comment by panthurdreams on Aug 18, 2008 4:34 PM ()
This was such an interesting post! I never really think to look in other people's basket to see what they are buying. I bet you could make up some interesting stories with what you see in it about why they have each item or the combination of items.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 18, 2008 8:07 AM ()
Nobody cares what I have in my basket! As a matter of fact, people talk to me far more in the grocery store than when I am buying clothing. I wonder if it has to do with out personalities that causes people to talk to us in the department store or the grocery store? Maybe you have a department store personality... Cute story!
comment by sunlight on Aug 17, 2008 10:57 PM ()

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