Nic G


Nic G
Tampa, FL
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Life & Events > Boring > Just a Rant

Just a Rant

So I ran a booth at a health fair yesterday and my feet and back have still not recovered. Also I got the happy happy joy joy fun of watching tons of parents let their kids run wild, attempt to steal the raffle prizes off of my table, beg for handfuls of candy from my bowl, ect ect ect. Ok I understand that it's hard to keep track of your kids at a fair. Sure some are going to try and get away with what they can. But when "mom" is crusing the tables loading her arms with all the free giveaway stuff and not paying attention to her kids at all they are going to learn that behaviour.

A little background for the fair. It was a community health fair for single and disadvataged mothers primarily. We had a lot of educational things for the moms for good prenatal care, help to get housing and alphahouse, the local mother and child shelter, was the main sponcer. They help drug addicted mothers and mothers to be get off of the streets. This is great, helping them to get on their feet again and for the women who really take advantage of what alpha house has to offer, it is a system that works. Unfortunatly there are those who exploit it. Use all the vendors there, that are giving away things to help, and trying to give both the ladies and the kids a good time, are feeling the brunt of it. I felt ,although happy that I was able to do some good there, like I was being royally screwed by about 50% of the women there. They didn;t care about helping themselves or their children. It seemed to me like they were there to get as much free shit as they could, and in doing so teaching their kids to just be out for what they could get as well. With no regard for who was offering the help and without so much as a simple thankyou. I really don't think it's too much to ask, if not for that curtesy, then for maybe just some common decency to the organizations that are getting together to help people through a tough time!

More than anything it's the learned behaviour that these kids are picking up. The greed, the disrepect, the blatent disregard for anything but what they want at that moment. It's a cycle that will almost ensure that a good portion of these kids will end up in the same situation we are so despretly trying to help their mothers out of. I want to cry!

Now don't think me harsh making these generalizations. 4 years ago before I came to florida, I was with my husband who was a crack addict. we lost our house, our cars, everything and were living in a shelter. I took wjat they offered and managed to get a decent job and an apartment. I was supporting myself, my husband and my son. My husband unfortunatly, did not take the wonderful help they were offering and try to better himself and our situation. Instead while I was working he would take my son out of school and bring him to parkinglots to beg for money. I found this out and we fled to florida. I had no money, little education, and no local work references. Using what my family was able to help me with and a lot of the survival tools I learned from the shelter I managed to get a series of wonderful jobs, go back to school and find healthy relationships. Now I have a great career, a wonderful house and am surrounded by people who care abiout me and my son. I looked at the people that had been in my life, and their children and simply thought I DO NOT want my son to do this!!!! I had to fake it for him until my life became as good as I could want it to be. I saved my self, and hopefully I saved my son. So when I see these women just letting the world rush over them, and watch them grab what they can, and never try. When I see these kids follow everything their parents do I get pissed. Because I know that things can get better. I know it's hard. I know you will lie awake at night full of stress and tears, but I also know that it's worth it!

posted on Aug 22, 2008 10:13 AM ()


Well said Nic. It must be so hard to do what you do... you try to help and you feel like it's almost just for nothing. Just know that you're doing the right thing. You're trying to make a difference and you will make that difference. Unfortunately not everyone can be helped and that is sad.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 25, 2008 3:33 PM ()
The system is there to help folks when they need it, which is great. When I first left my ex, I had to use it to get by. Now I work in conjunction with agencies who help moms. I've seen ladies who help themselves and get off the system, and I've seen some who never get off.

As far as letting kids run amuck. I feel your pain's a daily thing around here. Parents just stand there while their little angels destroy things, it ticks me off to no end. And they look surprised when I have to say something to the kids. Arrrrgh...
comment by elfie33 on Aug 25, 2008 8:38 AM ()
I couldn't agree more. all these programs were intended to be a temporary helping hand but some people have been on it for generations and now feel they are "entitled". Most of them are able bodied and could work but have the mindset of getting something for nothing. I know many people in this state who are like that....gimme gimme is all they know. And you're right, they are setting a p-ss poor example for their children.

yer its just sad pal
comment by honeybugg on Aug 23, 2008 4:35 PM ()
It's admirable how you fought your way out of the shelter, got your and your son's lives back on track, and made a new life for yourself. Very impressive! You have lots to teach other people. It's too bad some people don't want to get out of the rut their in and help themselves.
comment by mattguru18 on Aug 23, 2008 11:12 AM ()
You are a wonderful rolemodel for these moms. The fair sounds like a great idea, but maybe it needs something a little more than the handouts. It would be great if these women could hear the stories of people like you so they can see they could get out of trouble.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 23, 2008 10:30 AM ()
This is a great observational post, you have done the best for yourself and you son. I can relate to the situation you were in because i've been there before and I too didn't want my son growing up around people like that so keenly moved away. You keep believing in whats right and you'll never faulter. You have a good head on your shoulders, a big haert and the will too suceed. keep going and reap the beefits
comment by lynnie on Aug 22, 2008 5:34 PM ()
I notice more and more of that all of the time ( the greed, disrespect and selfishness). Everyone is so obsessed with being an individual and everyone best respect that and all of this crap that people have so forgot the value & the need for a sense of community and a sense of respect for their fellow's all about ME (not me partciularly but you know what i mean). I am so sick and tired of everyone's sense of entitlement.....I will give you respect if you give it back to me...I will be nice to you but expect that back. Yes you should be happy with who you are and what you are...but that doesn't mean your perfect...everyone has room to grow & room to change!! Thanks for the good post.
comment by panthurdreams on Aug 22, 2008 3:29 PM ()
Well spoken! I agree completely. My daughter has found herself in a similar situation and has been in dire need of help. She has found a job, her son also has found work, and they are putting the pieces of their lives back together. It is a slow and painful process, I know. Those who do not wish to improve their circumstances are pitiful. Perhaps, as you said, their backgrounds play an important part.
comment by angiedw on Aug 22, 2008 10:26 AM ()

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