Nic G


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Entertainment > Movies > Oh My God ... Mr. Pink is Dead

Oh My God ... Mr. Pink is Dead

I was driving around in my car today and I came to the realization that I'm way too into movies. And that my appreciation for music tends to play out like a soundtrack.

There was an article out about Quentin Tarantino back in the day, right after Reservoir Dogs had been released. (Yes, I am quite the fangirl. Try not to snicker too loudly.) He was quoted as saying that he wrote out scenes for his movie based on songs that he'd heard. The infamous scene in which Mr Blonde hacks off the cop's ear to "Stuck in the Middle With You," was developed specifically because of the song.

Most of the time a is written, the actors are chosen, the scene is directed, that part of the movie is edited perfectly and THEN the song playing in the background is added. After that, when the average movie fan hears a song, they then think about that scene. Music is an incredible influence on how well a movie does in the box office, but more importantly it is a reflection on how well people will remember that movie over the years.

Richard Linkletter is one of my favorites for making me remember scenes. Most specifically, I can't listen to War's "Why Can't We Be Friends?" without envisioning Parker Posey stepping menacingly over the freshmen girls, spraying them down with catsup and mustard in Dazed and Confused. The instant that song starts blaring on the radio, I'm screaming "FRESHMEN BITCHES!!!"

PT Anderson's "Boogie Nights" flashes in my brain every time I listen to Three Dog Night's "Mama Told Me Not to Come." And who wouldn't want visions of a nubile Heather Graham rollerskating around in their head?

My affection for music has always been more greatly criticized than my appreciation of cinema. It's odd when I think about it. I'll watch any movie that's made (save for a couple of select ones- bet you can't guess which two), even the bad ones just so that I have them as a reference point whenever I'm talking about a movie that I really like. Most movie fanatics agree that this is the best way to get a feel for determining what is good and what is bad.

That opinion isn't shared by music lovers. When I openly admit that I love pop music, I am typically greeted with a scoff and arms folded across the chest. After that, all of my opinions on music are discredited by that person, someone who believes that by listening to everything I couldn't possibly appreciate what's "good" out there.

While I am a firm believer of the concept that what's "good" in any artistic medium is completely subjective (the old adage "beauty is the eye of the beholder"), I don't have a great deal of company. It amazes me how people can get so bent out of shape over music preferences, deciding your entire life's value on the fact that you have Kelly Clarkson in your CD library.

When I listen to music, I just like what I like. Sometimes that's obscure shit that is so strange that there isn't even a Myspazz page for it. Sometimes it's one of the most popular artists being played on Top 40 for the week. I take issue with lyrical content, but for the most part, if the beat of a song moves me, reaches into a part of my brain and strangles it, I'm sold.

Which is where the movie soundtrack reference at the beginning comes in. Sweet Child o' Mine, I wil always be at the 8th grade carnival when I hear that one, waiting to go doen the tall slide again with Christi and Dawn. Bonded by Blood is forever me at 18 when I met my future ex-husband. Animal, even though it was way before the song came out, the lyrics coinside with the time that skye and I got caught in the car together.

I could go on listing songs and assigning them to sections of my life, but the soundtrack is incomplete. I'm not done living yet

posted on Nov 26, 2008 7:49 AM ()


I heard that same thing in an interview with Tarantino. He said that will never hire anyone to do the score for any of his films because, "Who knows what better music sets the scene than I do?!" Although I believe he had a friend of his do the score for the Kill Bills, but they worked closely. (And I too can't hear Why Can't We Be Friends without reciting the dialog in my head for that same scene. "Fry like bacon you little freshman piggies! Fry!")
comment by mellowdee on Nov 29, 2008 10:38 AM ()
comment by ducky on Nov 29, 2008 12:06 AM ()
Tough to comment on. While we may not share the same music genres, I know what you're saying. To each his own.
comment by solitaire on Nov 28, 2008 6:42 AM ()
Wow.. that was an "incredibly" complex blog to me. I "TRIED" so hard to follow every word, but well.. they family left me with "lots" of beer and went up North till Sunday...

One of the things I can say, is "I know you are an artist at heart". You view everything from an "artist standpoint". I think it's cool... and just want to say I see it. So, no I really didn't understand all (about the others you blogged about).. I however feel I know you in a little way.

Hot ass hell, and a creative artistic mind.. Thinking your super cool!!!


comment by coincutter on Nov 26, 2008 9:38 PM ()
I always like to watch the commentary part of Quentin Tarantino's DVDs because of all the trivia about where he gets his inspiration; he's quite the inspiration. Have you watched that network show Life on Mars? Music from the 70s - takes me back to what might have been the prime of my life.
comment by troutbend on Nov 26, 2008 10:51 AM ()
Okay, I sent my first comment then noticed your playlist. Before marriage and a child I did a lot more movies. One evening our movies of choice were John Waters' Pink Flamingoes and David Cronenberg's Crash. I think I almost lost a friend that night! But you experience so much through movies...the good and the bad!
comment by peanutsmom on Nov 26, 2008 8:14 AM ()
Isn't it amazing how music so often coincides with times of our lives. And there's nothing wrong with Kelly Clarkson!
comment by peanutsmom on Nov 26, 2008 8:10 AM ()

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