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Arts & Culture > Papier Mache Comes to Mind

Papier Mache Comes to Mind

Yesterday I spent hours trying to renew a single domain name that is held in a Spanish registry. The .es website, Dominios.es, translates into English but this doesn’t help. It still doesn’t tell you how to do things. I had to click around, trying every link, and reload and re-enter the site again and again and again; then emailed the registry for help. Their reply was incomplete, shall we say. But it seems that if you click and reload your dates and details repeatedly, you will eventually land on a page on which a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny arrow appears — that I almost couldn’t see — and this arrow is the link that you need to click, to pay the renewal fee.

And then you’re golden! What great website design!

Although my sisters and I text each morning, it’s not enough and I am still wondering how to get back in the rhythm of going to visit. Everything in our lives seems screwed up. I haven’t been feeling so well lately, and I’m having a hard time sleeping during nighttime hours. I generally feel sort of cloudy and rotten in the morning, and have to take a long nap around noon. A late walk helps.

My friend Mike has a daughter and he has an art teacher come in to teach her at his place, so I sent some art supplies to him, and a spool knitter and yarn. I hope he can figure out how to use that. I sent him links to videos of how to get started. When I was little, my sisters and I had those little wooden spool knitters. Now they have big plastic things of different sizes that you can knit tons of things on, if you use the right stitches.

He also wanted me to make a list of art & craft activities, so that was fun, remembering early projects. He loves his time with the little girl, and doesn't mind when she and her friend run around, screech and make a ruckus. I'm glad to avoid all that...

posted on Apr 6, 2022 8:46 PM ()


You don't have long covid, do you? So many symptoms have been added. Seems like anything slightly unusual can be a symptom.
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 12, 2022 12:38 PM ()
Probably it's just my poor sleeping habits. I have to turn my clock around and get to sleep earlier at night.
reply by drmaus on Apr 15, 2022 9:14 AM ()
I can relate - there's been things I've had to do on the back end of my websites that were difficult for me to get done, like updating the php version, and it took a lot of googling and back-and-forth for ideas. I finally figured out how to do it, as far as I know, but promptly forgot what I had to do. If it comes up again, I'll re-learn it, but I'm hoping I die first.
comment by traveltales on Apr 9, 2022 8:38 AM ()
You actually know how to make a website, something I leave to Mike. But yes, that having to go back and find out all over again how you did it is a pain. I left myself instructions, but this year they were no good because their site is completely different.
reply by drmaus on Apr 15, 2022 9:22 AM ()
Paper mache is a fun craft and makes great napkin h0lders when painted. It is easy to make little roses on them. Knitting is beyond me but the little girls should take to it and also satin stitch embroidery. My little great grandchildren are very noisy but unlike most small dogs Jose loves them and willingly wears doll dresses.
comment by elderjane on Apr 8, 2022 6:47 AM ()
Jose wearing dresses because the little girls want him to -- that's adorable.
reply by drmaus on Apr 15, 2022 9:22 AM ()
I can just about deal with this website!!!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 6, 2022 9:09 PM ()
Yes, get those pictures up pronto! It does take effort.
reply by drmaus on Apr 15, 2022 9:23 AM ()

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