That post title gave me a shock and then a very sad sinking feeling. He seemed to have more life in him than I’ve felt in, I don’t know, years. ...The picture is perfect.
Your dreams show how involved with your community you are, for one thing. Maybe we all need orange glo hoodies.
Hmm. Actually I guess a dolphin could get rabies, but I don't know if any ever has. Cujo Flipper.
I could definitely watch some Barbra Streisand movies just now. I loved them.
You've been an exercise role model for me, with your ballet leaps and such. My sisters always tell me the best thing for my knees is to get them moving, even when they're sore. And I think talking to yourself is a great idea.
Hope you do a profit soon, nuts are wonderful. That tree shaker is pretty scary. Some murder mystery show I saw had the killer use one as his murder weapon, maybe it was Midsomer Murders.
That's a good thing to do to prevent fires. It's an air-gapped tree!
I hope the site crashes so hard they can't fix it. That's all.
ha ha ha ha. There is a connection, though. My sister eats one pepperoncini daily just to help her sinuses. They make you get all watery, which can help with congestion.
Criminal-looking cat in the top picture. The foxes have nice black legs, look like long gloves.
Yay, turkeys! And is that a raven or a jackdaw or what?
Recently I had to learn the meanings of different beeps from the carbon monoxide detectors I have -- and the problem is, 4 beeps sounds very much like 5. Four means carbon monoxide is present, but 5 means the unit is dying and has to be replaced.
This is very Jeri. The whole rundown, on family events, the garden, and the neighborhood or town. We need to know.
What is in a possum pie? I'm a little afraid.
I prefer to believe the foxys ran fast away and are safe. It suddenly dropped about 20 degrees at night here, so I'm enjoying the cool air pouring in.
...The picture is perfect.