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Cities & Towns > Weather > Any Holiday is Difficult

Any Holiday is Difficult

For a change, a friend asked me to help cheer him up because of Christmas blues. Just the action of telling him it was only a couple of days and we'd be through it and things would be normal again, helped me get in a better mindset.

After all, Christmas isn't actually the super, ultimate, be-all and end-all of holidays -- it's only our consumer markets trying to tell us that so we'll go insane buying things. It's a holiday. The year isn't over yet.

posted on Dec 24, 2013 9:52 AM ()


I am sometimes wistful about Christmases past but that is because I have lost my immediate family, a total condition since June when my only sister passed. Ed is Jewish but he likes a holiday dinner and having friends visit. He likes the family connection. If I were alone, I'd probably volunteer somewhere. Glad your friend was able to reach out -- helping others is the best.
comment by tealstar on Jan 8, 2014 7:43 PM ()
AH! but Christmas is different it has Christ in xmas, the one time of the year we celebrate together with all,
comment by kevinshere on Dec 25, 2013 7:03 PM ()
He's Jewish
reply by drmaus on Dec 27, 2013 6:53 AM ()
All my Christmas times were good as a child. I think the worst Christmas
that I ever spent was when Linda was small and spending the day with her
father. I cleaned house the whole day long and felt very depressed. I
think making gifts makes Christmas more meaningful. The year that Sara was
three, we made her a doll house and it was such fun to construct and furnish. My grandmother crocheted and made candy for gifts and I think
longingly of the Aunt Bill's Brown Candy we loved.
comment by elderjane on Dec 25, 2013 5:15 AM ()
Childhood Christmases were good, yes. I have to admit I've been fighting a serious depression for a long time. When you're doing things for someone else it can help your whole outlook.
reply by drmaus on Dec 27, 2013 6:59 AM ()
Mike has been working with the homeless people for some time.We have been trying to get them going.Donate,blankets,food,etc.Every week I buy fruit ,bagels for them to have some sort of breakfast.Last week we had 65 people at dinner.Tomorrow one of the top donor give them a Christmas feast every year and tomorrow will be the same.
We try to do our best in helping them and also console them.Not me,but Mike he is such a good social worker and trying to help them.We never had much as a child for this was in the depression years.We did the best that my family could give us.We put our stocking up and got oranges,apple anything as they did the best for us nine children.But we were happy.No no toys they could not afford it.The more that I think about this,how wonderful that it was celebrating Christmas in our own way.We were happy.That all that it counts.me.Merry Christmas.
comment by fredo on Dec 24, 2013 1:32 PM ()
What a wonderful way you and Mike spend the holiday.
reply by drmaus on Dec 27, 2013 7:02 AM ()
I like your take on it, and it's a good way to look at it.

When I was living in the motel after the floods, I went to the grocery store every couple of days because I didn't have much in the way of cold storage or cooking facilities. It was nearing Halloween and of course the holiday merchandise was showing up, and one day I realized how depressing it would be during the holiday season to not be able to buy real food and cook it. There was a huge world of groceries laid before me, and I had to pick through it for the ones I could warm up in a microwave, and thinking about people doing their holiday shopping and bringing it back to their very own home in coming weeks was very depressing.

Although I always thought I had empathy for homeless people, I never truly did until I personally experienced it to that small degree.
comment by troutbend on Dec 24, 2013 10:43 AM ()
Losing your home or having it threatened is traumatic. And your CO home is from way back in your family, I guess. It's funny how often lately I think of the Depression and how people had to live through it. One's expectations had to be set low so small victories made you really happy, and with any setback you just expected to rebuild, because everyone was having to rebuild. With all the areas of the country that have been devastated by severe weather, I think you should write a journal or book of your rebuilding. It's beginning to be a new American story, I think.
reply by drmaus on Dec 27, 2013 7:19 AM ()
Living in a senior community suicides are at a high rate this and next week!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 24, 2013 10:03 AM ()
With you around them it will be less likely
reply by drmaus on Dec 27, 2013 7:21 AM ()
That is so sad to hear>I do recall hearing stories about these and very sad.
They are alone,the children cannot be bother etc,etc.
reply by fredo on Dec 24, 2013 1:25 PM ()

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